Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Latest Update from Darrel
It was nice to hear the good news that Darrel was fit again and back to work but I felt that it was a bit unfair that he was left with some ten or so Chunks to complete. I am always torn between being willing to help and not wishing to bite off more than I can chew. So I hope I have done right thing by volunteering to write another Chunk !
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Good News About Darrel's Convalescence
It was good to hear that Darrel was back at work. A family friend was recently off work with the same sort of eye problem (detached retina) and from talking to her, the recuperation period following treatment wouldn't appear to be a particularly relaxing experience. In her case, for example, sleeping at night was quite a bit uncomfortable as she had to ensure that her head lay in a certain position at all times. More frustratingly, she said, everyday activities such as driving were prohibited. I don't know how well or otherwise Darrel coped with his convalescence, but it must surely be a good sign that he is back at work.
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Rest Cure for Darrel
I was sorry to hear about Darrel's eye problems. Health problems are nearly always a cause for anxiety, even when not particularly debilitating but an eye ailment can be quite incapacitating and therfore all the more depressing. I sincerely hope that Darrel makes a full recovery from his eye injury and gets back to his normal routine soon.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Stand-by List
I have put my name down for the Stand-by list for additional Chunks. I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew. I still haven't manged to watch the webcast for 15 June. The instructions on the web page advise you to "click below" for the webcast but I can't seem to find the right web-link to click on !
Thursday, 11 June 2009
June 15 Session
Still in two minds whether to go the June 15 Session. The problem is that I usually have to drive our 16-year old grand-daughter to work in the morning, - my wife having decided that she is too young to be taking a bus. So I'll need to get a stand-in somehow. Other than that there is no reason at all why I shouldn't be able to go. The expense should not be much of a problem as I have my Senior Citizen Railcard. I'll need to find out the exact location of the venue though, - I imagine the OU campus in Milton Keynes is spread over a pretty large area.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Chunk 38 - Final Version
Just to keep my earlier promise, the final version of Chunk 38 is posted below.
The previous chapter introduced the functions that are available in Processing for depicting lines, as well as explaining the programming constructs of loops and arrays which are widely used in almost all non-trivial programs for code efficiency and elegance. In this chapter we are going to continue to explore the topic of "Drawing Lines" and write a simple program that demonstrates the use of Processing's "Line" functions, with the aid of a few loops and some arrays. Additionally, to maintain the element of spontaneity that characterises all good graphics design, we will use the “Random” function provided by Processing.
Functions in Processing for Drawing Lines
The set of functions in Processing, that might be considered as being designed primarily for drawing lines, consists of the following:
(a) the “line( )” function, which creates a line by joining two points
(b) the “point( )” function, which crates a line by plotting a series of points
(c) the "image( )" function, which generates a line by plotting a series of pixels
(d) the "vertex( )" function, which produces shapes from interconnected lines, each of which connects two vertices (or points).
Additionally, Processing provides functions that are concerned with line attributes such as thickness and colour. These are :
(a) the “strokeWeight( )” function that controls the thickness of lines
(b) the "stroke( ) " function which determines the colour of line
(c) the "strokeCap( )" functions which determines the shape of line end-caps (in JAVA2D mode)
Functions Used for Drawing Lines in this Chapter
It is not the intention in this chapter to explore all of the above functions for the purposes of the program that we are going to construct for drawing lines. The sub-set of the above functions that we shall use consists of the following:
(a) the “line( )” function
(b) the "vertex( )" function
(c) the “strokeWeight( )” function
(d) the "stroke( )" function
Our program will also include Processing's iteration construct of the "For" loop, the curve function of "ellipse( )", the "random( )" function and some arrays.
The line-drawing functions, “line( )”, “strokeWeight( )”, "stroke( )" and "vertex( )", are briefly explained below.
The "line ( )" Function
The "Line ( )" function in Processing has the following format:
line (x1, y1, x2, y2)
where x1, y1 are the X and Y co-ordinates of the start point of the line
and x2, y2 are the X and Y co-ordinates of the end point of he line.
The co-ordinates associated with the start and end points above are used in the same way as Cartesian X and Y co-ordinates commonly encountered in mathematical expressions. However, it should be noted that in Processing the origin (the point where x=0 and y=0), is located at the top left hand corner of the graphics display window, with the positive y-axis being formed by the window's left edge (see figure 1 below).
The "strokeWeight( )" Function
The "strokeWeight( )" functions can be used to set the thickness of a line. The syntax of the function is as follows:
strokeWeight (width), where the width can be an integer or a float. The "width" value sets the thickness of the line in units of pixels.
The "stroke( )" Function
The "stroke( )" function sets the colour that is used to draw a line. The syntax of the "stroke( )" function has seven variants. The two that are used in this chapter are:
(1) stroke (grey), - where "grey " is an integer or a float between 0 and 255 that specifies a shade between white and black. Note that "stroke(0)" is black while "stroke(255)" is white.
(2) stroke (value1, value2, valu3), - where value1 is an integer or a float between 0 and 255 that denotes a shade of the colour red. Likewise values2 and 3 are integers or floats between 0 and 255 that denote shades of green and blue respectively. In each case 255 is the deepest shade of the colour, while 0 indicates its absence.
The "vertex( )" Function
The "vertex( )" function identifies a point within the display window by its X and Y co-ordinates. When enclosed within a pair of "beginShape( )" and "endShape( )" functions, points declared by a "vertex( )" function are connected together with lines to produce a variety of different shapes. The "beginShape( )" functions can have a number of different "modes" which determine the type of shape produced but the default "mode" produces the shape of an irregular polygon. The syntax of the "vertex ()" function, in 2D space, is:
vertex (x, y) - where "x" and "y" are the X and Y co-ordinates respectively.
Figure-2 below shows the construction of a square using the "vertex( )" function together with "beginShape( )" and "endShape( )" functions.
Drawing Lines
Having acquainted ourselves with the "line( )" and "vertex( )" functions above we can now proceed to the next stage of putting them together in a program for drawing lines. The program that we aim to construct concerns "oscillations". The program is modelled on the "Ying Yang" program of Ira Greenberg (see Processing pp 188-189), in that, it is concerned with drawing randomly oscillating lines. It has however, been intentionally designed to avoid using the same "points( )" function that Greenberg uses.
"Drawing Lines 3 - Oscillations" - Program Outline
Our program for drawing oscillating lines, which is being labelled "Drawing Lines 3 - Oscillations" to distinguish it from the line drawing programs of earlier chapters, is in outline as follows:
(a) define the size and background shading to be used for the display window
(b) declare and initialise the constants and the variables to be used in the program
(c) declare and initialise the matrices to be used in the program
(d) Use the "line( )" function to draw oscillating lines of random fluctuations in the display window
(e) use the "vertex( )" function to construct lines that form a "maze" structure as background
(f) Use the "line( )" function to draw diagonal lines with random spacing in the display window
(g) use the "ellipse( )" function to draw a series of concentric ellipses to add to the visual impact of the background
"Drawing Lines 3-Oscillations"- Program Code
In Processing code, the "Drawing Lines 3 - Oscillations" program is as follows:
size (600, 600);
background (0);
//oscillations variables horizontal
float vertices = 60;
int totalRows= 10; // need to be <= height)
int rowGap = height/totalRows;
float rowPush = -1;
float rowFlip = 0;
int randPush = 10;
//diagonal lines variables
int cellWidth = width/int(vertices);
int cellHeight = height/int(vertices);
int randHt = 5;
int randWidth = 5;
//maze pattern variables
float x1, y1;
x1= width/2;
y1= height/2;
int spacing=10;
// strokeWt matrix for zig zag lines thickness
float[] strokeWt = new float [totalRows+1];
for (int j=1; j <totalRows+1; j++){
strokeWt[j] = 1+(3*j/10);
//randCellHt matrix for diagonal lines bottom right hand corner
float[] randCellHt = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellHt[j] = cellHeight+int(random(randHt));
//randCellWidth matrix for diagonal lines top left hand corner
float[] randCellWidth = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellWidth[j] = cellWidth+int(random(randWidth));
//oscillating horizontal lines
stroke (0,255,0);
for (int y=rowGap; y<height; y+=rowGap ){
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=3){
rowFlip -= rowPush;
if ( x % (1 + int(random(randPush))) == 0){
strokeWeight (strokeWt[y/rowGap]);
if ( (s = strokeWt[y/rowGap]) > 3){
strokeWeight (3);
line((width/vertices*x), y, (width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+3)), y);
// maze pattern lines
stroke (255);
strokeWeight (1);
vertex (x1,y1);
vertex ((x1+(spacing*2)), y1);
for (int j=1, k=1; j < (width/(spacing*2)); j++, k++) {
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+1)), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1-(spacing*k));
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+2)), y1-(spacing*k));
//Diagonal lines bottom right corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellHeight, k=1; i<height; i+=cellHeight, k++){
line(width-(i+randCellHt[k]), height, width, height-(i+randCellHt[k]));
//Diagonal lines top left corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellWidth, k=1; i<width; i+=cellWidth, k++){
line(0, height-(i+randCellWidth[k]), width-(i+randCellWidth[k]), 0);
// background ellipse
strokeWeight (1);
stroke (150);
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=2){
ellipse((width/2), (height/2), width,((height/2)+(x*5)));
A detailed explanation of the program code is given below
Display Window Definitions
The first two lines of the program code, i.e.
size (600, 600);
background (0);
set the size of Processing's display window and its background colour which in this case is black. Note that "background (255)" would have had the opposite effect of displaying the background as white. In the "size" statement, the first parameter refers the width of the display window, while the second sets the height.
Definition of Variables Used with Oscillations Display
This section of the code defines and initialises the variables that are used for the display of oscillating lines. The variables are:
float vertices = 60;
int totalRows= 10; // need to be <= height)
int rowGap = height/totalRows;
float rowPush = -1;
float rowFlip = 0;
int randPush = 10;
The variable "vertices" refers to the points along the x-axis, at which the line displayed changes direction to exhibit an oscillating pattern. The "totalRows" variable sets the number of lines that are to be displayed in the window. In this case, the number is set to be ten and as the associated comment indicates, this number cannot be allowed to exceed the display window's height, as declared in the "size" statement. The "rowGap" variable, as the name suggest, refers to the distance between each horizontal line shown in the window. The "rowPush" and the "rowFlip" variables are used, to control the amount by which the line fluctuates in the vertical direction. These two variables are used in conjunction with the "random( )" function, to make the fluctuations more stochastic. The "randPush" variable is used to "seed" the "random( )" function. In this instance, the function will return a random number between zero and ten.
Variables Used with Diagonal Lines Display
The next set of variables in the program code are concerned with displaying diagonal lines. They are:
int cellWidth = width/int(vertices);
int cellHeight = height/int(vertices);
int randHt = 5;
int randWidth = 5;
The "cellWidth" and "cellHeight" variables set the "fixed" distance between the diagonal lines. To add an element of creative spontaneity, the "fixed" distance is augmented by a random factor which is calculated by using "randHt" and "randWidth" variables as "seeds" for the "random( )" function.
Maze Pattern Variables
In this part of the program, the variables associated with the display of a maze pattern are declared and initialised. These variables are the following:
float x1, y1;
x1= width/2;
y1= height/2;
int spacing=10;
The variables x1 and y1 form the arguments of the "vertex( )" function that plots individual points within the display window. These points are then joined together as lines by using the "beginShape( )" and "endShape( )" functions. Variables x1 and y1 are initialised to be "width/2" and "height/2" respectively, in order to begin the maze in the centre of the display window.
Declaration and Initialisation of Matrices
This section of the program declares and initialises three matrices which are subsequently referred to in the latter stages of the program. The first of these matrices is the "strokeWt" matrix which is used to control the thickness of the oscillating lines being drawn by the program.
float[] strokeWt = new float [totalRows+1];
for (int j=1; j <totalRows+1; j++){
strokeWt[j] = 1+(3*j/10);
The "strokeWt" matrix is declared as a "float" type, as the values that its elements hold are decimal fractions rather than whole numbers. The number of elements in the array is one greater than the total number of rows being displayed. This is to compensate for the indexing convention used with Java arrays, where the first element of the array is element 0 rather than 1.
float[] randCellHt = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellHt[j] = cellHeight+int(random(randHt));
float[] randCellWidth = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellWidth[j] = cellWidth+int(random(randWidth));
The " randCellHt" and the "randCellWidth" matrices are used with the display of diagonal lines. The matrices are initialised with a set of random values that are later used for randomly varying the distance between adjacent diagonal lines. The "randHt" and "randWidth" are variables that are used as "seeds" for the "random( )" function. Because the "random( )" function returns a "float" value, it is converted to an "integer" value using the "int( )" function.
The code in this part of the program addresses the main task of exploring the "line( )" function to produce graphic effects. The code that produces oscillations is as follows:
stroke (0,255,0);
for (int y=rowGap; y<height; y+=rowGap ){
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=3){
rowFlip -= rowPush;
if ( x % (1 + int(random(randPush))) == 0){
strokeWeight (strokeWt[y/rowGap]);
if ( (strokeWt[y/rowGap]) > 3){
strokeWeight (3);
line((width/vertices*x), y, (width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+3)), y);
The "stroke( )" function sets the colour of the oscillating lines to be green. The main loop declared by the "for" statement, "for (int y=rowGap; y<height; y+=rowGap )", pushes each new line of oscillations down the y-axis by the pre-set value for " rowGap". Thus, if the value of the "rowGap" variable (which is declared as " int rowGap = height/totalRows") is 60, then each line of oscillations in the display window will be 60 points apart.
The next nested loop in the above code, "for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=3)", propels the line being drawn along the x-axis, and causes it to oscillate in a vertical direction with each increment of the variable "x".
The " rowFlip" and " rowPush" variables together control the degree of oscillation that the line exhibits. The "if" statement, "if ( x % (1 + int(random(randPush))) == 0)", adds a further degree of randomness to the oscillation by using the "modulo" operator (i.e. "%") together with the "random ( )" function. The "modulo" operator takes two operands, divides the first by the second, and returns the remainder as the resultant value. In this instance, because the second operand consists of a random value, there is a possibility that it may turn out to be zero, in which case it would cause an error, as division by zero is not permissible. To avoid this eventuality, the second operand always has 1 added to the value returned by the "random( )" function (hence, "(1 + int(random(randPush))"). Finally, the "if" statement checks whether the result of the modulo operation is zero, and if so sets the "rowPush" variable to a default negative value by multiplying it with minus 1.
The next three lines are concerned with setting the strokeWeight for depicting the line. The strokeWeight function takes as its argument an element of the "strokeWt" matrix, as indexed by the value of "y", the counter for the main loop. Thus there is a different strokeWeight for every oscillating line. The check to see that the strokeWeight does not exceed 3, has been included merely to avoid the use of too heavy a strokeWeight, which tends to distort unduly the shape of the oscillation.
The final three lines in the above code use the "line( )" function to depict an oscillating line across the display window.
Maze Pattern Lines
stroke (255);
strokeWeight (1);
vertex (x1,y1);
vertex ((x1+(spacing*2)), y1);
for (int j=1, k=1; j < (width/(spacing*2)); j++, k++) {
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+1)), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1-(spacing*k));
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+2)), y1-(spacing*k));
This section of the code uses the "begiShape( )" and endShape( )" functions together with the "vertex ( )" function, to draw a maze pattern. The variables x1, y1 and "spacing" have been defined in the "variables" section of the program. The correct operation of the loop requires that that the initial line in the maze is declared separately as a single line. Hence the first two "vertex( )" declarations after "beginShape( )".
Drawing Diagonal Lines
In this part of the program, the "line( )" function is used to draw diagonal lines across the display window.
//Diagonal lines bottom right corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellHeight, k=1; i<height; i+=cellHeight, k++){
line(width-(i+randCellHt[k]), height, width, height-(i+randCellHt[k]));
//Diagonal lines top left corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellWidth, k=1; i<width; i+=cellWidth, k++){
line(0, height-(i+randCellWidth[k]), width-(i+randCellWidth[k]), 0);
For the purposes of drawing diagonal lines, the display window is regarded as being bisected into two adjacent triangles. The first loop in the above code "for (int i=cellHeight, k=1; i<height; i+=cellHeight, k++)" draws diagonal lines in the right hand triangle (which has its apex at point 600,600) , while the second loop, "for (int i=cellWidth, k=1; i<width; i+=cellWidth, k++), carries out the same function for the left hand triangle (which has its apex at point 0,0). The spacing between the lines consists of two elements, - a fixed element that is set by the "cellWidth" and "cellHeight" variables and a random element that is fetched from the "randCellHt" and "randCellWidth" matrices, both of which are initialised earlier in the program. The loop uses two variables as counters rather than the usual one. The variable "i" is used to assign the fixed part of the spacing and the variable "k" to assign the random element.
Concentric Ellipses
The code contained in the final section of the program draws a series of concentric ellipses whose overall effect is to enhance the visual impact of the background.
strokeWeight (1);
stroke (150);
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=2){
ellipse((width/2), (height/2), width,((height/2)+(x*5)));
The "noFill( )" statement prevents the space within the concentric ellipses from being filled with white space. Without the "noFill( )" statement, the concentric ellipses would appear as a blur. The four arguments to the "ellipse( )" function are the X co-ordinate of the ellipse's origin, the Y coordinate of the origin, the width and the height of the ellipse, respectively. The origin of the ellipse is at the centre of the display window, its width is the width of window with the height initially set at half the height of the display window.
The output from the "Oscillations" program is displayed at Figure-3 and Figure-4 below.


Amendments to the "Oscillations" Program - "Bi-directional Oscillations"
The "Oscillations" program above may be amended to produce "Bi-directional Oscillations" by adding the code shown below.
//Amendments for Bi-directional Amendments
//oscillations variables vertical
int totalCols= 10; // need to be <= 300 (or height)
int colGap = width/totalCols;
float colPush = -1;
float colFlip = 0;
stroke (0,255,0);
//oscillations vertical
for (int x=colGap; x<width; x+=colGap ){
for (int y=1; y< vertices; y+=3){
colFlip -= colPush;
if ( y % (1 + (int) (random(randPush))) == 0){
line( x, (height/vertices*y), (x+colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+1)));
line((x+colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+1)), x-(2*colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+2)) );
line(x-(2*colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+2)), x, (height/vertices*(y+3)));
The above code works in the same fashion as that at explained at "Oscillatons" above, except that it operates on columns instead of rows. The amended program in full is as follows:
size (600, 600);
background (0);
//zig zag variables horizontal
float vertices = 60;
int totalRows= 10; // need to be <= height)
int rowGap = height/totalRows;
float rowPush = -1;
float rowFlip = 0;
int randPush = 10;
//diagonal lines variables
int cellWidth = width/int(vertices);
int cellHeight = height/int(vertices);
int randHt = 5;
int randWidth = 5;
//maze pattern variables
float x1, y1;
x1= width/2;
y1= height/2;
int spacing=10;
// strokeWt matrix for zig zag lines thickness
float[] strokeWt = new float [totalRows+1];
for (int j=1; j <totalRows+1; j++){
strokeWt[j] = 1+(3*j/10);
//randCellHt matrix for diagonal lines bottom right hand corner
float[] randCellHt = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellHt[j] = cellHeight+int(random(randHt));
//randCellWidth matrix for diagonal lines top left hand corner
float[] randCellWidth = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellWidth[j] = cellWidth+int(random(randWidth));
//zig zag pattern horizontal lines
stroke (0,255,0);
for (int y=rowGap; y<height; y+=rowGap ){
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=3){
rowFlip -= rowPush;
if ( x % (1 + int(random(randPush))) == 0){
strokeWeight (strokeWt[y/rowGap]);
if ((strokeWt[y/rowGap]) > 3){
strokeWeight (3);
line((width/vertices*x), y, (width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+3)), y);
// maze pattern lines
stroke (255);
strokeWeight (1);
vertex (x1,y1);
vertex ((x1+(spacing*2)), y1);
for (int j=1, k=1; j < (width/(spacing*2)); j++, k++) {
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+1)), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1-(spacing*k));
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+2)), y1-(spacing*k));
//Diagonal lines bottom right corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellHeight, k=1; i<height; i+=cellHeight, k++){
line(width-(i+randCellHt[k]), height, width, height-(i+randCellHt[k]));
//Diagonal lines top left corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellWidth, k=1; i<width; i+=cellWidth, k++){
line(0, height-(i+randCellWidth[k]), width-(i+randCellWidth[k]), 0);
// background ellipse
strokeWeight (1);
stroke (150);
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=2){
ellipse((width/2), (height/2), width,((height/2)+(x*5)));
//Amendments for Bi-directional Amendments
//oscillations variables vertical
int totalCols= 10; // need to be <= 300 (or height)
int colGap = width/totalCols;
float colPush = -1;
float colFlip = 0;
stroke (0,255,0);
//oscillations vertical
for (int x=colGap; x<width; x+=colGap ){
for (int y=1; y< vertices; y+=3){
colFlip -= colPush;
if ( y % (1 + (int) (random(randPush))) == 0){
line( x, (height/vertices*y), (x+colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+1)));
line((x+colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+1)), x-(2*colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+2)) );
line(x-(2*colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+2)), x, (height/vertices*(y+3)));
The output form the amended "Bi-directional Oscillations" program is shown at Figure -5 below
The previous chapter introduced the functions that are available in Processing for depicting lines, as well as explaining the programming constructs of loops and arrays which are widely used in almost all non-trivial programs for code efficiency and elegance. In this chapter we are going to continue to explore the topic of "Drawing Lines" and write a simple program that demonstrates the use of Processing's "Line" functions, with the aid of a few loops and some arrays. Additionally, to maintain the element of spontaneity that characterises all good graphics design, we will use the “Random” function provided by Processing.
Functions in Processing for Drawing Lines
The set of functions in Processing, that might be considered as being designed primarily for drawing lines, consists of the following:
(a) the “line( )” function, which creates a line by joining two points
(b) the “point( )” function, which crates a line by plotting a series of points
(c) the "image( )" function, which generates a line by plotting a series of pixels
(d) the "vertex( )" function, which produces shapes from interconnected lines, each of which connects two vertices (or points).
Additionally, Processing provides functions that are concerned with line attributes such as thickness and colour. These are :
(a) the “strokeWeight( )” function that controls the thickness of lines
(b) the "stroke( ) " function which determines the colour of line
(c) the "strokeCap( )" functions which determines the shape of line end-caps (in JAVA2D mode)
Functions Used for Drawing Lines in this Chapter
It is not the intention in this chapter to explore all of the above functions for the purposes of the program that we are going to construct for drawing lines. The sub-set of the above functions that we shall use consists of the following:
(a) the “line( )” function
(b) the "vertex( )" function
(c) the “strokeWeight( )” function
(d) the "stroke( )" function
Our program will also include Processing's iteration construct of the "For" loop, the curve function of "ellipse( )", the "random( )" function and some arrays.
The line-drawing functions, “line( )”, “strokeWeight( )”, "stroke( )" and "vertex( )", are briefly explained below.
The "line ( )" Function
The "Line ( )" function in Processing has the following format:
line (x1, y1, x2, y2)
where x1, y1 are the X and Y co-ordinates of the start point of the line
and x2, y2 are the X and Y co-ordinates of the end point of he line.
The co-ordinates associated with the start and end points above are used in the same way as Cartesian X and Y co-ordinates commonly encountered in mathematical expressions. However, it should be noted that in Processing the origin (the point where x=0 and y=0), is located at the top left hand corner of the graphics display window, with the positive y-axis being formed by the window's left edge (see figure 1 below).
The "strokeWeight( )" Function
The "strokeWeight( )" functions can be used to set the thickness of a line. The syntax of the function is as follows:
strokeWeight (width), where the width can be an integer or a float. The "width" value sets the thickness of the line in units of pixels.
The "stroke( )" Function
The "stroke( )" function sets the colour that is used to draw a line. The syntax of the "stroke( )" function has seven variants. The two that are used in this chapter are:
(1) stroke (grey), - where "grey " is an integer or a float between 0 and 255 that specifies a shade between white and black. Note that "stroke(0)" is black while "stroke(255)" is white.
(2) stroke (value1, value2, valu3), - where value1 is an integer or a float between 0 and 255 that denotes a shade of the colour red. Likewise values2 and 3 are integers or floats between 0 and 255 that denote shades of green and blue respectively. In each case 255 is the deepest shade of the colour, while 0 indicates its absence.
The "vertex( )" Function
The "vertex( )" function identifies a point within the display window by its X and Y co-ordinates. When enclosed within a pair of "beginShape( )" and "endShape( )" functions, points declared by a "vertex( )" function are connected together with lines to produce a variety of different shapes. The "beginShape( )" functions can have a number of different "modes" which determine the type of shape produced but the default "mode" produces the shape of an irregular polygon. The syntax of the "vertex ()" function, in 2D space, is:
vertex (x, y) - where "x" and "y" are the X and Y co-ordinates respectively.
Figure-2 below shows the construction of a square using the "vertex( )" function together with "beginShape( )" and "endShape( )" functions.
Drawing Lines
Having acquainted ourselves with the "line( )" and "vertex( )" functions above we can now proceed to the next stage of putting them together in a program for drawing lines. The program that we aim to construct concerns "oscillations". The program is modelled on the "Ying Yang" program of Ira Greenberg (see Processing pp 188-189), in that, it is concerned with drawing randomly oscillating lines. It has however, been intentionally designed to avoid using the same "points( )" function that Greenberg uses.
"Drawing Lines 3 - Oscillations" - Program Outline
Our program for drawing oscillating lines, which is being labelled "Drawing Lines 3 - Oscillations" to distinguish it from the line drawing programs of earlier chapters, is in outline as follows:
(a) define the size and background shading to be used for the display window
(b) declare and initialise the constants and the variables to be used in the program
(c) declare and initialise the matrices to be used in the program
(d) Use the "line( )" function to draw oscillating lines of random fluctuations in the display window
(e) use the "vertex( )" function to construct lines that form a "maze" structure as background
(f) Use the "line( )" function to draw diagonal lines with random spacing in the display window
(g) use the "ellipse( )" function to draw a series of concentric ellipses to add to the visual impact of the background
"Drawing Lines 3-Oscillations"- Program Code
In Processing code, the "Drawing Lines 3 - Oscillations" program is as follows:
size (600, 600);
background (0);
//oscillations variables horizontal
float vertices = 60;
int totalRows= 10; // need to be <= height)
int rowGap = height/totalRows;
float rowPush = -1;
float rowFlip = 0;
int randPush = 10;
//diagonal lines variables
int cellWidth = width/int(vertices);
int cellHeight = height/int(vertices);
int randHt = 5;
int randWidth = 5;
//maze pattern variables
float x1, y1;
x1= width/2;
y1= height/2;
int spacing=10;
// strokeWt matrix for zig zag lines thickness
float[] strokeWt = new float [totalRows+1];
for (int j=1; j <totalRows+1; j++){
strokeWt[j] = 1+(3*j/10);
//randCellHt matrix for diagonal lines bottom right hand corner
float[] randCellHt = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellHt[j] = cellHeight+int(random(randHt));
//randCellWidth matrix for diagonal lines top left hand corner
float[] randCellWidth = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellWidth[j] = cellWidth+int(random(randWidth));
//oscillating horizontal lines
stroke (0,255,0);
for (int y=rowGap; y<height; y+=rowGap ){
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=3){
rowFlip -= rowPush;
if ( x % (1 + int(random(randPush))) == 0){
strokeWeight (strokeWt[y/rowGap]);
if ( (s = strokeWt[y/rowGap]) > 3){
strokeWeight (3);
line((width/vertices*x), y, (width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+3)), y);
// maze pattern lines
stroke (255);
strokeWeight (1);
vertex (x1,y1);
vertex ((x1+(spacing*2)), y1);
for (int j=1, k=1; j < (width/(spacing*2)); j++, k++) {
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+1)), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1-(spacing*k));
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+2)), y1-(spacing*k));
//Diagonal lines bottom right corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellHeight, k=1; i<height; i+=cellHeight, k++){
line(width-(i+randCellHt[k]), height, width, height-(i+randCellHt[k]));
//Diagonal lines top left corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellWidth, k=1; i<width; i+=cellWidth, k++){
line(0, height-(i+randCellWidth[k]), width-(i+randCellWidth[k]), 0);
// background ellipse
strokeWeight (1);
stroke (150);
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=2){
ellipse((width/2), (height/2), width,((height/2)+(x*5)));
A detailed explanation of the program code is given below
Display Window Definitions
The first two lines of the program code, i.e.
size (600, 600);
background (0);
set the size of Processing's display window and its background colour which in this case is black. Note that "background (255)" would have had the opposite effect of displaying the background as white. In the "size" statement, the first parameter refers the width of the display window, while the second sets the height.
Definition of Variables Used with Oscillations Display
This section of the code defines and initialises the variables that are used for the display of oscillating lines. The variables are:
float vertices = 60;
int totalRows= 10; // need to be <= height)
int rowGap = height/totalRows;
float rowPush = -1;
float rowFlip = 0;
int randPush = 10;
The variable "vertices" refers to the points along the x-axis, at which the line displayed changes direction to exhibit an oscillating pattern. The "totalRows" variable sets the number of lines that are to be displayed in the window. In this case, the number is set to be ten and as the associated comment indicates, this number cannot be allowed to exceed the display window's height, as declared in the "size" statement. The "rowGap" variable, as the name suggest, refers to the distance between each horizontal line shown in the window. The "rowPush" and the "rowFlip" variables are used, to control the amount by which the line fluctuates in the vertical direction. These two variables are used in conjunction with the "random( )" function, to make the fluctuations more stochastic. The "randPush" variable is used to "seed" the "random( )" function. In this instance, the function will return a random number between zero and ten.
Variables Used with Diagonal Lines Display
The next set of variables in the program code are concerned with displaying diagonal lines. They are:
int cellWidth = width/int(vertices);
int cellHeight = height/int(vertices);
int randHt = 5;
int randWidth = 5;
The "cellWidth" and "cellHeight" variables set the "fixed" distance between the diagonal lines. To add an element of creative spontaneity, the "fixed" distance is augmented by a random factor which is calculated by using "randHt" and "randWidth" variables as "seeds" for the "random( )" function.
Maze Pattern Variables
In this part of the program, the variables associated with the display of a maze pattern are declared and initialised. These variables are the following:
float x1, y1;
x1= width/2;
y1= height/2;
int spacing=10;
The variables x1 and y1 form the arguments of the "vertex( )" function that plots individual points within the display window. These points are then joined together as lines by using the "beginShape( )" and "endShape( )" functions. Variables x1 and y1 are initialised to be "width/2" and "height/2" respectively, in order to begin the maze in the centre of the display window.
Declaration and Initialisation of Matrices
This section of the program declares and initialises three matrices which are subsequently referred to in the latter stages of the program. The first of these matrices is the "strokeWt" matrix which is used to control the thickness of the oscillating lines being drawn by the program.
float[] strokeWt = new float [totalRows+1];
for (int j=1; j <totalRows+1; j++){
strokeWt[j] = 1+(3*j/10);
The "strokeWt" matrix is declared as a "float" type, as the values that its elements hold are decimal fractions rather than whole numbers. The number of elements in the array is one greater than the total number of rows being displayed. This is to compensate for the indexing convention used with Java arrays, where the first element of the array is element 0 rather than 1.
float[] randCellHt = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellHt[j] = cellHeight+int(random(randHt));
float[] randCellWidth = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellWidth[j] = cellWidth+int(random(randWidth));
The " randCellHt" and the "randCellWidth" matrices are used with the display of diagonal lines. The matrices are initialised with a set of random values that are later used for randomly varying the distance between adjacent diagonal lines. The "randHt" and "randWidth" are variables that are used as "seeds" for the "random( )" function. Because the "random( )" function returns a "float" value, it is converted to an "integer" value using the "int( )" function.
The code in this part of the program addresses the main task of exploring the "line( )" function to produce graphic effects. The code that produces oscillations is as follows:
stroke (0,255,0);
for (int y=rowGap; y<height; y+=rowGap ){
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=3){
rowFlip -= rowPush;
if ( x % (1 + int(random(randPush))) == 0){
strokeWeight (strokeWt[y/rowGap]);
if ( (strokeWt[y/rowGap]) > 3){
strokeWeight (3);
line((width/vertices*x), y, (width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+3)), y);
The "stroke( )" function sets the colour of the oscillating lines to be green. The main loop declared by the "for" statement, "for (int y=rowGap; y<height; y+=rowGap )", pushes each new line of oscillations down the y-axis by the pre-set value for " rowGap". Thus, if the value of the "rowGap" variable (which is declared as " int rowGap = height/totalRows") is 60, then each line of oscillations in the display window will be 60 points apart.
The next nested loop in the above code, "for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=3)", propels the line being drawn along the x-axis, and causes it to oscillate in a vertical direction with each increment of the variable "x".
The " rowFlip" and " rowPush" variables together control the degree of oscillation that the line exhibits. The "if" statement, "if ( x % (1 + int(random(randPush))) == 0)", adds a further degree of randomness to the oscillation by using the "modulo" operator (i.e. "%") together with the "random ( )" function. The "modulo" operator takes two operands, divides the first by the second, and returns the remainder as the resultant value. In this instance, because the second operand consists of a random value, there is a possibility that it may turn out to be zero, in which case it would cause an error, as division by zero is not permissible. To avoid this eventuality, the second operand always has 1 added to the value returned by the "random( )" function (hence, "(1 + int(random(randPush))"). Finally, the "if" statement checks whether the result of the modulo operation is zero, and if so sets the "rowPush" variable to a default negative value by multiplying it with minus 1.
The next three lines are concerned with setting the strokeWeight for depicting the line. The strokeWeight function takes as its argument an element of the "strokeWt" matrix, as indexed by the value of "y", the counter for the main loop. Thus there is a different strokeWeight for every oscillating line. The check to see that the strokeWeight does not exceed 3, has been included merely to avoid the use of too heavy a strokeWeight, which tends to distort unduly the shape of the oscillation.
The final three lines in the above code use the "line( )" function to depict an oscillating line across the display window.
Maze Pattern Lines
stroke (255);
strokeWeight (1);
vertex (x1,y1);
vertex ((x1+(spacing*2)), y1);
for (int j=1, k=1; j < (width/(spacing*2)); j++, k++) {
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+1)), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1-(spacing*k));
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+2)), y1-(spacing*k));
This section of the code uses the "begiShape( )" and endShape( )" functions together with the "vertex ( )" function, to draw a maze pattern. The variables x1, y1 and "spacing" have been defined in the "variables" section of the program. The correct operation of the loop requires that that the initial line in the maze is declared separately as a single line. Hence the first two "vertex( )" declarations after "beginShape( )".
Drawing Diagonal Lines
In this part of the program, the "line( )" function is used to draw diagonal lines across the display window.
//Diagonal lines bottom right corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellHeight, k=1; i<height; i+=cellHeight, k++){
line(width-(i+randCellHt[k]), height, width, height-(i+randCellHt[k]));
//Diagonal lines top left corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellWidth, k=1; i<width; i+=cellWidth, k++){
line(0, height-(i+randCellWidth[k]), width-(i+randCellWidth[k]), 0);
For the purposes of drawing diagonal lines, the display window is regarded as being bisected into two adjacent triangles. The first loop in the above code "for (int i=cellHeight, k=1; i<height; i+=cellHeight, k++)" draws diagonal lines in the right hand triangle (which has its apex at point 600,600) , while the second loop, "for (int i=cellWidth, k=1; i<width; i+=cellWidth, k++), carries out the same function for the left hand triangle (which has its apex at point 0,0). The spacing between the lines consists of two elements, - a fixed element that is set by the "cellWidth" and "cellHeight" variables and a random element that is fetched from the "randCellHt" and "randCellWidth" matrices, both of which are initialised earlier in the program. The loop uses two variables as counters rather than the usual one. The variable "i" is used to assign the fixed part of the spacing and the variable "k" to assign the random element.
Concentric Ellipses
The code contained in the final section of the program draws a series of concentric ellipses whose overall effect is to enhance the visual impact of the background.
strokeWeight (1);
stroke (150);
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=2){
ellipse((width/2), (height/2), width,((height/2)+(x*5)));
The "noFill( )" statement prevents the space within the concentric ellipses from being filled with white space. Without the "noFill( )" statement, the concentric ellipses would appear as a blur. The four arguments to the "ellipse( )" function are the X co-ordinate of the ellipse's origin, the Y coordinate of the origin, the width and the height of the ellipse, respectively. The origin of the ellipse is at the centre of the display window, its width is the width of window with the height initially set at half the height of the display window.
The output from the "Oscillations" program is displayed at Figure-3 and Figure-4 below.


Amendments to the "Oscillations" Program - "Bi-directional Oscillations"
The "Oscillations" program above may be amended to produce "Bi-directional Oscillations" by adding the code shown below.
//Amendments for Bi-directional Amendments
//oscillations variables vertical
int totalCols= 10; // need to be <= 300 (or height)
int colGap = width/totalCols;
float colPush = -1;
float colFlip = 0;
stroke (0,255,0);
//oscillations vertical
for (int x=colGap; x<width; x+=colGap ){
for (int y=1; y< vertices; y+=3){
colFlip -= colPush;
if ( y % (1 + (int) (random(randPush))) == 0){
line( x, (height/vertices*y), (x+colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+1)));
line((x+colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+1)), x-(2*colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+2)) );
line(x-(2*colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+2)), x, (height/vertices*(y+3)));
The above code works in the same fashion as that at explained at "Oscillatons" above, except that it operates on columns instead of rows. The amended program in full is as follows:
size (600, 600);
background (0);
//zig zag variables horizontal
float vertices = 60;
int totalRows= 10; // need to be <= height)
int rowGap = height/totalRows;
float rowPush = -1;
float rowFlip = 0;
int randPush = 10;
//diagonal lines variables
int cellWidth = width/int(vertices);
int cellHeight = height/int(vertices);
int randHt = 5;
int randWidth = 5;
//maze pattern variables
float x1, y1;
x1= width/2;
y1= height/2;
int spacing=10;
// strokeWt matrix for zig zag lines thickness
float[] strokeWt = new float [totalRows+1];
for (int j=1; j <totalRows+1; j++){
strokeWt[j] = 1+(3*j/10);
//randCellHt matrix for diagonal lines bottom right hand corner
float[] randCellHt = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellHt[j] = cellHeight+int(random(randHt));
//randCellWidth matrix for diagonal lines top left hand corner
float[] randCellWidth = new float [int(vertices)+1];
for (int j=1; j <int(vertices)+1; j++){
randCellWidth[j] = cellWidth+int(random(randWidth));
//zig zag pattern horizontal lines
stroke (0,255,0);
for (int y=rowGap; y<height; y+=rowGap ){
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=3){
rowFlip -= rowPush;
if ( x % (1 + int(random(randPush))) == 0){
strokeWeight (strokeWt[y/rowGap]);
if ((strokeWt[y/rowGap]) > 3){
strokeWeight (3);
line((width/vertices*x), y, (width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+1)), (y+rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip));
line((width/vertices*(x+2)), y-(2*rowFlip), (width/vertices*(x+3)), y);
// maze pattern lines
stroke (255);
strokeWeight (1);
vertex (x1,y1);
vertex ((x1+(spacing*2)), y1);
for (int j=1, k=1; j < (width/(spacing*2)); j++, k++) {
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+1)), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1+(spacing*k));
vertex (x1-(spacing*j), y1-(spacing*k));
vertex (x1+(spacing*(j+2)), y1-(spacing*k));
//Diagonal lines bottom right corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellHeight, k=1; i<height; i+=cellHeight, k++){
line(width-(i+randCellHt[k]), height, width, height-(i+randCellHt[k]));
//Diagonal lines top left corner
strokeWeight (1);
for (int i=cellWidth, k=1; i<width; i+=cellWidth, k++){
line(0, height-(i+randCellWidth[k]), width-(i+randCellWidth[k]), 0);
// background ellipse
strokeWeight (1);
stroke (150);
for (int x=1; x< vertices; x+=2){
ellipse((width/2), (height/2), width,((height/2)+(x*5)));
//Amendments for Bi-directional Amendments
//oscillations variables vertical
int totalCols= 10; // need to be <= 300 (or height)
int colGap = width/totalCols;
float colPush = -1;
float colFlip = 0;
stroke (0,255,0);
//oscillations vertical
for (int x=colGap; x<width; x+=colGap ){
for (int y=1; y< vertices; y+=3){
colFlip -= colPush;
if ( y % (1 + (int) (random(randPush))) == 0){
line( x, (height/vertices*y), (x+colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+1)));
line((x+colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+1)), x-(2*colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+2)) );
line(x-(2*colFlip), (height/vertices*(y+2)), x, (height/vertices*(y+3)));
The output form the amended "Bi-directional Oscillations" program is shown at Figure -5 below

Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Monday, 11 May 2009
Chunk 38
Managed to complete Chunk 38, although a couple of days late. On the whole, I have enjoyed the experience. I am hoping, of course, that I have got my two chunks about right. I'll attach the final versions of both Chunks to-morrow, - after I have worked the best way to upload the graphic output.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Chunk38 - Update
Still in the process of completing the text for Chunk38, but hopefull that I'll be able to meet the deadline (7/5/09). The start on Chunk 38 was a bit confused for me. Darrel had nominated me via the "Book Fragments" blog, but I had rather thought that he would nominate me by e-mail. Just as well that I checked his blog. Anyway, the chunk has made good progress so far, and should be ready in time.
Monday, 13 April 2009
Another Chunk ?
Darrel has asked whether I wished to write another Chunk. I always like to help out if I can, although obviously I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I see that Chunk 38 is still unassigned. I might volunteer to do that. It seems relaively simple and I might just be able to do justice to what's required.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Final Version submitted
I have finally managed to complete Chunk 22 and forward it to Darrel. Hopefully it's OK. I sometimes have this horrible thought that I might have gone off at a tangent and produced something foolish but I may be worrying too much. If anything, the work might be faulted for its length, - it has exceeded the 2500 words limit. It will be interesting to see what Darrel's comments are, - if any.
The final version is set out below.
The previous chapter, Chapter 21, described the concept of a coordinating system and the use of pixels for the production of digital images. In this chapter we explain firstly, how the pixel-based approach to digital imaging is used to produce the so-called Raster graphics, and how Raster graphics differ from the other type of digital imagery known as Vector graphics. Secondly, the chapter explains how the techniques of computer imaging are further extended to achieve that more exotic type of computer graphic, - animation.
Raster Graphics
In Raster graphics, an image may be conceptualised as a grid of pixels. which coalesce together to form a smooth, continuous image.
Imagine each pixel as a single light bulb which is capable of acquiring individually, a wide range of different colours by virtue of being controlled by some clever software or some clever programmable graphics card, to which all the bulbs in the matrix are connected. If this grid of bulbs were set up to display, say, concentric red, white and blue circles on a white background, then close up, an observer may only notice different coloured light bulbs without discerning any pattern within them such as concentric circles. However, if the observer were to stand a hundred metres away, to his naked eye the bulbs will have coalesced into a smooth display of different coloured circles on a white background and he will scarcely be aware that the image that he is seeing consists in fact of a grid of individual light bulbs. A Raster image formed using a matrix of pixels works in much the same way to display an image on the computer screen (or monitor).
The term "Raster" is by no means an innovation of computer graphics. It has in the past been used widely, in the context of the television imaging technique known as "raster scanning" which forms the basis of television pictures. (for the benefit of those interested in the etymology of the word, the term "Raster" is said to have been derived from a Latin root meaning "Rake").
Raster graphics are typically used for photographic images, or images of drawings and paintings in which there is a large variation of colour and contrast. Since, as explained above, the creation of Raster graphics involves the breaking down of an image into large numbers of minute pixels, it follows that a Raster graphic file is required to hold a large amount of data, such as colour, tone and position, for each individual pixel within the image. Raster graphic files therefore tend to be very large in size and consequently, data compression has become an important factor in the file formats that are prescribed for Raster graphics, such as JEPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIFF.
Quality of a Raster Image - "dots per inch" and "lines per inch"
Whilst the pixel-grid described above forms the basis of a Raster graphic, its quality is determined chiefly by two measures of pixel density. These are the "Dots per Inch" (dpi) and "Lines per Inch" (lpi).
The dpi measure refers to the number of pixels (a dot being synonymous with a pixel in this context) contained in each inch of the computer screen that displays the image (usually the computer monitor). It should be appreciated that in modern computers, the display screen is not pre-designed with a fixed number of pixels or dots per inch. The dpi value can be changed dynamically using the computer's software. Some Windows XP laptops, for example, provide an option of using either 96 dpi or 120 dpi. As may be expected, the higher the dpi value, the higher the resolution of the image and correspondingly greater its quality.
The lpi measure pertains to the quality of the printed image of a Raster graphic rather than its screen display. As with dpi, the higher the lpi value (or lpi "frequency" as it is often referred to) the better the quality of the printed image. There is however, a relationship between dpi and lpi that needs to be taken into account for high quality printing of Raster graphics. The formal mathematical expression for this relationship need not concern us here but as a general rule, for best results, the dpi value of the on-screen image should be set to be twice that of the printer's lpi frequency. Thus if the printer is operating at 200 lpi, the dpi value should be set at 400 dpi.
Raster Graphic File Formats
There is a large variety of file formats used for the storage of bit data pertaining to a Raster graphic. The more commonly used file formats include, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIF. All of these formats have their own special features that make each of them more suitable for some functions than others. The TIFF format, for example, is more suited for the printing of Raster graphics, while JEPG is considered more appropriate for Web operations involving “continuous tone” Raster graphics. Being Raster graphics file formats, all of these are concerned with the handling of "bitmap" data (bitmap being an alternative term for a pixel-grid). However, they vary in their file structures and the techniques that they use for organising pixel data within their file structures. The TIFF format, for example, uses tags to locate image data, whereas BMP employs indexing. All use varying levels of data compression to achieve file size reduction. Some of these formats, the JEPG, the BMP and the TIFF, are briefly described below.
JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, a committee that produced the standard in 1992. Given its origin with the Joint Photographic Experts Group, it is not surprising that the JPEG format is widely used for photographic images. Raster graphic files created using the JPEG standard typically have the file extension ".jpg", although ".jepg" is also encountered. The main differentiator of the JEPG format, from the others mentioned above, lies in the technique that it uses to achieve data compression. JPEG format holds the bit information pertaining to an image in a highly compressed mode making the image file very compact and thereby improving immensely its file transfer speed. The latter is particularly significant for downloading and uploading image data to the Internet, where the bandwidth, particularly for home computers, tends to be limited (despite the advent of Broadband). The drawback of JPEG format’s high compression is that it is prone to loosing data in decompression, which in turn leads to the loss of some quality in the image that is subsequently displayed. (In computer graphics jargon, JEPG data compression is said to be "lossy"). Because of its tendency to loose bit data through compression, JEPG is not considered suitable for drawings such as maps where colours are sharply contrasted.
The BMP format (short for Bitmap) originated with Microsoft Windows but is also used by many image processing applications that are not native to the Windows platform. The distinguishing characteristic of the BMP format has been its use of indexing for recording the colour value of the pixels, - rather than recording these values individually for each pixel. The drawback of the format however, has been its relatively inefficient compression technique, - although this can be compensated for by using the well-known ZIP data-compression facility to reduce file size.
The Tiff (Tagged Image File Format) format is designed to be used primarily with the printing of Raster images. It first emerged as a Desktop Publishing standard and has since come under the control of Adobe Systems. Its chief notable feature is its use of “tags” to point to pixel and other image data held within the file. The tagging of image data facilitates buffering and permits easier retrieval of image data, which in turn helps achieve faster printing speeds. TIFF offers the so-called LZW (Lempel Ziv Welch) compression which, unlike the JEPG standard is a "lossless" form of data compression
Example of a Raster image
Figure-1 below shows a Raster image before and after enlargement. The enlarged version of the image on the right of Figure-1, is beginning to reveal its underlying pixel matrix structure. The marked deterioration in quality evident in the enlarged version, also illustrates one of the key characteristics of a Raster image, - that of fixed resolution. A Raster image is made of a fixed number of pixels, which, unlike Vector graphics discussed below, cannot be scaled up to maintain the same degree of resolution in the enlarged image.
Vector Graphics
Whereas in Raster graphics an image is implemented as a matrix of pixels, in Vector graphics, the image is described by a set of mathematical expressions that plot the points (or nodes), together with the lines and the curves that form the shape of the image, using Cartesian co-ordinates. The shape of the image thus produced, is then filled (rendered) with the required pixel detail at run time to produce the completed image.
To illustrate the difference between Raster and a Vector graphics, consider the Raster image referred to above. This image consists of three concentric red, white and blue circles on a white rectangular background. As explained above, if this image were to be rendered as a Raster graphic, the computer file that described the image would be required essentially to hold pixel data for every individual pixel that forms the pixel-grid (bitmap) for the image. Rendered as Vector graphic however, the corresponding image file would merely contain information about,
- the nodes that form the four corners of the rectangle,
- the node that forms the centre of the concentric circles,
- the mathematical equations that plot the four lines of the rectangle, and
- the mathematical equations that plot the three concentric circles.
The mathematical equations could, for example, be of the form:
Y = mX + c for the four lines connecting the nodes of the rectangle
(where m is slope of the line and c the offset (where the line meets the X-axis))
(X+a)² + (Y+b)² = r² for the three concentric circles
(where r is the radius of the circle, and a and b are the co-ordinates for its centre) (Note that this expression happens to be a special case of the expression for an ellipse)
Additionally, of course the graphic image file would contain information about the colour attributes of the circles.
Characteristics of Vector Graphics
The use of mathematics for the rendering of images gives Vector graphics some special characteristics that readily distinguish them from their Raster counterparts. These concern principally, the size of the image file and the capability for easy scaling.
Small Image File
Perhaps the most noticeable characteristic of a Vector Graphic, is its typically small image file. Because a vector graphic is rendered using mathematical expressions rather than large amounts of pixel data, Vector graphics tend to be contained within small image files. When, for example, a graphic consisting of, say, red, white and blue concentric circles, is created in MS Powerpoint and saved as a Raster graphic using JPEG file format, the image file created turns out to be 17 kbytes in size. When the same image is saved as a Vector graphic using WMF (Windows Meta File) format, the file size is reduced to 5 kbytes. This of course, is a non-rigorous experiment but its results are nevertheless, illustrative of the file size reductions that are typically achieved in Vector graphics imagery. (see Figure – 2, image marked A)
Scalability and Transformations
A further, very useful characteristic of Vector graphics, is their easy scalability. Here too, the use of mathematical expressions, as opposed to bitmap data, facilitates scaling of the image to virtually any required size, since it merely requires the change of appropriate coefficients within these mathematical equations, to achieve the desired effect. This point may also be demonstrated, informally, with the aid of Powerpoint presentation as in Figure – 2 below. In Figure – 2, the Image marked B although scaled up by a factor of 2 from Image A, retains the same filesize as Image A when saved in WMF (Vector) format (i.e. 5 kbytes). The identical filesizes of the two images indicate, as expected, that no additional image data needs to be held in the image file, to facilitate the display of the scaled image. The result is also consistent with the expectation that the mathematical expressions held within the files are the same in both cases, apart from specific coefficients that are changed at run time to achieve the required scaling factor. By contrast, when Image B is saved in JEPG (Raster) format the filesize increases from 17 kbytes to 23 Kbytes to correspond to the bigger pixel grid that defines the scaled up image.
The ease with which Vector graphics can be increased or decreased in size makes them truly resolution independent, - unlike Raster graphics where enlargement of image is limited, and invariably results in the deterioration of resolution quality.
The point about easy scalability also applies to image transformations, which like scaling, can be handled with comparative ease by mathematical operations on image co-ordinates.
Vector Graphic File Formats
Like many of the Raster Graphics formats, Vector graphic formats have been developed by both software vendors and vendor-independent standards bodies. One such vendor-independent body, for example, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) standard. Others developed by vendors of graphics software, include WMF (Windows Meta File) from Microsoft, AI from Adobe Systems and CDR from CoralDraw. The SVG and the WMF formats are briefly described below.
As mentioned above the SVG format has been developed as an open standard by the World Wide Web Consortium. The format uses XML (eXtended Markup Language) as the specification language. The standard, in common with other Vector standards, supports a wide range of shapes such as circles, ellipses and curves and is designed moreover to handle Raster type "bitmaps" which can be converted to Vector format and included in the graphic as necessary. The format also provides for image editing functions and supports such features as layer management, including grouping and ordering of graphic components (image objects). Data compression of SVG format image files is usually achieved by the use of the GZIP facility which provides for a "lossless" form of compression. The file extension used with SVG image files is ".svg".
The WMF format is native to the Windows platform and although proprietary to Microsoft, tends to acquire the attributes of an open standard, - partly because of the ready availability of its specification from Microsoft and partly, no doubt, due the market-dominance of Windows-based products. As well as setting out the file structure of its associated image file, the format defines a set of "WMF objects" and "drawing records" which together make up a graphics image. "WMF objects" describe logical components such as brushes, pens, palettes, regions, and fonts which colour and annotate the image, while "drawing records" refer to the image's constituent shapes such as rectangle, ellipses, and arcs. The WMF format is additionally designed to handle Raster "bitmaps", - in both compressed and uncompressed form. The file extension used with the WMF format is ".wmf".
Animation may be defined as a rapid sequence of graphics that utilises the human brain's propensity to maintain "persistence of vision", to create the impression of an image in motion. Although the subject of some debate, the term "persistence of vision" refers to the apparent tendency of the human brain to retain momentarily, the memory of an image perceived through the eye.
Consider a series of still images, each of which describes a transitory moment in a sequence depicting an object in motion. When the brain receives such a series of images in quick succession, the fleeting retention of each individual image by the brain, results in successive images being merged into one another, to create an optical illusion of smooth, continuous motion, - in other words, the appearance of animation
Frame Rate
The rate at which the still images are received by the brain is commonly referred to as the frame rate (a cinematographical term that equates an image to a frame). It is interesting to note that even at a fairly low frame rate, the human brain can experience "persistence of vision" and therefore the optical illusion of an image in motion. This can readily be observed with the so-called flip-book comics, in which flipping over the pages, even at a relatively slow pace, creates the impression of moving pictures. Graphics animation begins at 12 fps (frames per second), and animation software is increasingly achieving fps ratings comparable to those of films and videos, which can be in excess of 30 fps. The Adobe Flash animation suite , for example, can handle fps ratings of 120 with the default set at 12 fps, which tends to be considered the norm for simple graphics animation.
As a general rule, the higher the fps rate, the smoother the animation appears to be. A high fps rate also helps produce smoother animation in slow motion. Consider an animation of one minute's duration showing, for example, a ballerina dancing on a stage. For such an animation to be of good video quality, it may be created at a frame rate of 30 fps, so that the image file for the animation would hold a total of 1800 frames. To observe the ballerina dancing in normal motion, the animation would be played back at the same frame rate of 30 fps, and would therefore have the same duration of one minute. However, if this animation were required to be played back in slow motion at a speed that is, say, three times slower, then the 1800 frames in the image file would be played back over an extended period of 3 minutes, achieving a frame rate of 10 fps, at which rate, the ballerina's movements will appear jerky. On the other hand, if the one-minute sequence were originally created at a higher rate of 90 fps, then the same slow-motion replay would achieve a frame rate of 30fps resulting a smoother picture showing the ballerina in fluid, graceful movements, albeit in slow motion.
It should be noted however, that the smoothness of animation movement may also depend on the degree of change between individual frames. As a trivial example, consider a sequence of images that only depicts fog. Clearly, if this sequence were to be animated, a smooth animation would be achieved even at a rate as low as 2 fps, since there is very little change between frames.
Key-Frames, In-betweens and Timelines
Frame and frame rates are of course, animation techniques that have their origins in the manual world of cartoon films. The same is also true of other techniques that are central to the creation of computer animations, - those of "key-frames", "in-betweens" (also referred to as "tweens") and "timelines". A timeline generally indicates the duration of an animation sequence, although it may also specify the required time interval between two key-frames. A key-frame can be regarded as a frozen image or a snapshot of an animation at a given instant in time. For smaller, simpler animations, key-frames typically define the start image and the end image of an animation sequence. Larger and more sophisticated animations, may well use key-frames at intermediate points within the sequence. In-betweens are simply the frames that occupy the timeline between key-frames.
When produced manually, old-fashioned cartoon films would typically require a master cartoonist to create the "key-frames" of the animated sequence, with apprentice cartoonists creating the "in-between" frames as required, based upon the timeline (or duration) of the sequence. The advent of computer graphics has allowed this process to be largely automated. The graphics artist is now merely required to create the "key-frames" and specify the timeline for the animation sequence, to allow the graphics software then to create the required "in-betweens".
As an example, consider the trivial case of an animation that shows an arrow that is initially pointing to the right, and which rotates clockwise through 180 degrees to end up pointing to the left. Let us assume for the purposes of this illustration that the time taken for the rotation is ten seconds. For this simple animation, the graphic artist will only be required to create the start and the end key-frames. The start key-frame will show an arrow pointing to the right. Similarly, the end key-frame will show an arrow pointing to the left. The transformation of these two key-frames into an animation sequence will be effected by the animation software, which will produce the necessary in-betweens, based on the duration of the sequence (or the timeline, in animation terminology), and its own default frame-rate for animations (although this can be user-defined). In this instance, since the duration of the sequence is 10 seconds, then at a default frame-rate of, say, 12fps, the software will produce 120 in-betweens, each showing the arrow moving clockwise through 1.5 degrees. The resultant graphics image file will subsequently be played back at 12fps to show a 10 second animation of a rotating arrow.
The automatic creation of in-betweens by the animation software is, of course, facilitated by the use of vector graphics. Vector graphics, being defined as a set of mathematical expressions, are well suited for the type of image transformations that in-betweens require. In the simple example described above, the transformation required for each successive in-between is that of image rotation. Needless to say, other types of transformations such as translation, inversion and scaling are also possible with vector graphics to support the creation of sophisticated animations depicting a variety of shapes and movements.
Common Animation File Formats
File formats that are widely encountered in animation graphics include AVI, MPEG, MOV and SWF. The AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) file format is a video movie file format that originated with Microsoft. The MPEG file format has been designed by the Moving Picture Experts Group. Initially, when published as MPEG-1, the standard concerned video and audio storage on CDs. The latest revision, MPEG-4, supports video, audio, 2D and 3D graphics, as well as texts and still images. MPEG4 compliant image files generally have the file extension of ".mp4", although application dependent variations exist. The MOV format is a creation of Apple and is designed to be used with their Quicktime product. The SWF (Shock Wave Flash) format is a well-known animation format used by Adobe Flash. The format tends to be widely encountered in web animation, possibly as result of the ready availability of the Flash plug-in with popular browsers such as the Internet Explorer.
Animation Graphics Software Available on the Market
Advances in computer technology such as faster processors and the availability of higher bandwidths for data transfer, have combined to create a growing market for sophisticated animation software. Leading vendors of animation software include Adobe, NewTek, Toon Boon and Apple. The products offered by these vendors are often directed at particular niches within the computer animation market. Thus Adobe Flash CS4 is focused on two dimensional graphics, while NewTek's Lightwave and 3D-Arsenal products are designed to be used with 3-D animation and video integration respectively. A brief description of two animation products, the Adobe Flash CS4 and the NewTek 3D-Arsenal is given below.
Flash CS4
Flash is arguably one of the better known animation suites on the market, not least because the Flash Player happens to be readily available from Adobe as a free download. The latest version of the Flash animation suite is the CS4 Professional. The development tools offered with this version include pre-built animations, a Motion Editor and transformation and rotation tools. The creation of animation in-betweens is simplified by techniques such as automatic generation of motion paths and the use of so-called "motion tweens". The latter feature effectively eliminates the need for manual creation of fixed-frames. Flash also provides a graphics programming language, ActionScript, which can optionally be used as a precision tool for creating more sophisticated, high quality and high performance animations.
3D-Arsenal, as the name indicates, is principally a graphics tool for creating three dimensional animations. However, it is also used as a video editing tool to combine user defined texts and logos with video content and where required, with the tool's own pre-built animation templates, to create high quality video animations. 3D-Arsenal markets itself as a highly customisable tool. The pre-built templates and functions provided by the tool may be modified with ease to meet user requirements or suit artistic taste.
Animation Examples
Computer animations have grown significantly in sophistication and quality since their first appearance as simple moving cartoons. The different types of computer animations that are now routinely encountered, include 2D and 3D cartoons, as well as multimedia, video quality animations. The full range of computer animations now encompasses simple figures in motion, two and three dimensional objects moving in three dimensional space, as well as multi-media animations of video quality. The list of web links below offers a selection of the different types of animations that graphics technologies are currently capable of producing.
(a) - The web page at this link shows a series of animations. Some of the animations may be considered as being at the lower end of computer graphics technology. They show simple 2D and 3D animations in motion. However, the series also includes some examples that illustrate the more advanced graphics technology of video animation.
(b) - This link, like the one at (a) above, shows a simple cartoon style animation in 2D with sound. Although a comparatively low-technology graphic, the animation has much artistic merit.
(c) - The animation displayed by this link has used graphics technologies of a more recent vintage. The animation is approaching video quality and the inclusion of sound also makes it “multi-media”.
(d) - This graphic is a tutorial on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. It is a high quality 2D cartoon animation with sound. It is also an interesting presentation on the subject of relativity, albeit at an elementary level.
(e) - This is another tutorial from the same graphic artist as the one at (d) above. It is on the rather esoteric subject of “Pleiotropic Drug Resistance”. However, its interest here lies in the high quality of its animation and its multi-media aspect, such as the inclusion of photographic material.
(f) - This is an educational animation that explains the workings of a human heart. It contains two and three dimensional images, together with a sound commentary.
(g) The link below connects to the Adobe Flash HD Gallery. This is a high definition video showing a surfer in slow motion Although videos historically have followed a separate path of technological development, they like their audio counterpart, have converged to become a part of the multi-media graphics technology that is used to create quality animations.
(1) Processing, Creative Coding and Computational Art, Ira Greenberg, 2007, pages 116 – 118.
(2) JEPG File Format - ISO/IEC IS 10918-1 | ITU-T Recommendation T.81, (also JPEG JFIF) Specification in PDF format at “”
(3) BMP File Format - File format description at the links below:
(4) TIFF File Format – TIFF Revision 6.0 from Adobe Systems Inc. Specification in PDF format at “”
(5) SVG File Format – World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommended, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification, (
(6) WMF File Format – Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Windows Metafile Format Specification Revision 4. (
(7) MPEG File Format - ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Overview of the MPEG-4 Standard, (
(8) Flash CS4 – Adobe Flash CS4 Professional (
(9) 3D-Arsenal – NewTek 3D Arsenal (
(10) New Frontiers of Learning, Electronic Edition, Peter Davies, Tim Brailsford, University of Nottingham, April 1994, Section, Vector File Formats, Section 6.2.2, Graphics (
(11) University of Surrey, School of Electronic and Physical Sciences, Kevin Hughes' HyperMedia tutorial, November 1998. (
(12) European Commission Information Provider’s Guide, September 2008, (
(13) Computer Data Formats, Version 2, 2002, Craig L. Scanlon, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey, “Graphics”, “Animation and 3-D”. (
(14) The Bitmap Standards - BMP, TIFF, GIF and JPEG, Tom Arah, 2005,
(15) Raster Images versus Vector Images, Jay Busselle, Digital Art Solutions,
(16) Facts About Vector Images, By Sue Chastain, 2009.
(17) The Myth Of Persistence Of Vision Revisited, By Joseph and Barbara Anderson, University of Central Arkansas, Center for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image.
(18) Persistence of Vision, Educational Website,
The final version is set out below.
The previous chapter, Chapter 21, described the concept of a coordinating system and the use of pixels for the production of digital images. In this chapter we explain firstly, how the pixel-based approach to digital imaging is used to produce the so-called Raster graphics, and how Raster graphics differ from the other type of digital imagery known as Vector graphics. Secondly, the chapter explains how the techniques of computer imaging are further extended to achieve that more exotic type of computer graphic, - animation.
Raster Graphics
In Raster graphics, an image may be conceptualised as a grid of pixels. which coalesce together to form a smooth, continuous image.
Imagine each pixel as a single light bulb which is capable of acquiring individually, a wide range of different colours by virtue of being controlled by some clever software or some clever programmable graphics card, to which all the bulbs in the matrix are connected. If this grid of bulbs were set up to display, say, concentric red, white and blue circles on a white background, then close up, an observer may only notice different coloured light bulbs without discerning any pattern within them such as concentric circles. However, if the observer were to stand a hundred metres away, to his naked eye the bulbs will have coalesced into a smooth display of different coloured circles on a white background and he will scarcely be aware that the image that he is seeing consists in fact of a grid of individual light bulbs. A Raster image formed using a matrix of pixels works in much the same way to display an image on the computer screen (or monitor).
The term "Raster" is by no means an innovation of computer graphics. It has in the past been used widely, in the context of the television imaging technique known as "raster scanning" which forms the basis of television pictures. (for the benefit of those interested in the etymology of the word, the term "Raster" is said to have been derived from a Latin root meaning "Rake").
Raster graphics are typically used for photographic images, or images of drawings and paintings in which there is a large variation of colour and contrast. Since, as explained above, the creation of Raster graphics involves the breaking down of an image into large numbers of minute pixels, it follows that a Raster graphic file is required to hold a large amount of data, such as colour, tone and position, for each individual pixel within the image. Raster graphic files therefore tend to be very large in size and consequently, data compression has become an important factor in the file formats that are prescribed for Raster graphics, such as JEPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIFF.
Quality of a Raster Image - "dots per inch" and "lines per inch"
Whilst the pixel-grid described above forms the basis of a Raster graphic, its quality is determined chiefly by two measures of pixel density. These are the "Dots per Inch" (dpi) and "Lines per Inch" (lpi).
The dpi measure refers to the number of pixels (a dot being synonymous with a pixel in this context) contained in each inch of the computer screen that displays the image (usually the computer monitor). It should be appreciated that in modern computers, the display screen is not pre-designed with a fixed number of pixels or dots per inch. The dpi value can be changed dynamically using the computer's software. Some Windows XP laptops, for example, provide an option of using either 96 dpi or 120 dpi. As may be expected, the higher the dpi value, the higher the resolution of the image and correspondingly greater its quality.
The lpi measure pertains to the quality of the printed image of a Raster graphic rather than its screen display. As with dpi, the higher the lpi value (or lpi "frequency" as it is often referred to) the better the quality of the printed image. There is however, a relationship between dpi and lpi that needs to be taken into account for high quality printing of Raster graphics. The formal mathematical expression for this relationship need not concern us here but as a general rule, for best results, the dpi value of the on-screen image should be set to be twice that of the printer's lpi frequency. Thus if the printer is operating at 200 lpi, the dpi value should be set at 400 dpi.
Raster Graphic File Formats
There is a large variety of file formats used for the storage of bit data pertaining to a Raster graphic. The more commonly used file formats include, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIF. All of these formats have their own special features that make each of them more suitable for some functions than others. The TIFF format, for example, is more suited for the printing of Raster graphics, while JEPG is considered more appropriate for Web operations involving “continuous tone” Raster graphics. Being Raster graphics file formats, all of these are concerned with the handling of "bitmap" data (bitmap being an alternative term for a pixel-grid). However, they vary in their file structures and the techniques that they use for organising pixel data within their file structures. The TIFF format, for example, uses tags to locate image data, whereas BMP employs indexing. All use varying levels of data compression to achieve file size reduction. Some of these formats, the JEPG, the BMP and the TIFF, are briefly described below.
JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, a committee that produced the standard in 1992. Given its origin with the Joint Photographic Experts Group, it is not surprising that the JPEG format is widely used for photographic images. Raster graphic files created using the JPEG standard typically have the file extension ".jpg", although ".jepg" is also encountered. The main differentiator of the JEPG format, from the others mentioned above, lies in the technique that it uses to achieve data compression. JPEG format holds the bit information pertaining to an image in a highly compressed mode making the image file very compact and thereby improving immensely its file transfer speed. The latter is particularly significant for downloading and uploading image data to the Internet, where the bandwidth, particularly for home computers, tends to be limited (despite the advent of Broadband). The drawback of JPEG format’s high compression is that it is prone to loosing data in decompression, which in turn leads to the loss of some quality in the image that is subsequently displayed. (In computer graphics jargon, JEPG data compression is said to be "lossy"). Because of its tendency to loose bit data through compression, JEPG is not considered suitable for drawings such as maps where colours are sharply contrasted.
The BMP format (short for Bitmap) originated with Microsoft Windows but is also used by many image processing applications that are not native to the Windows platform. The distinguishing characteristic of the BMP format has been its use of indexing for recording the colour value of the pixels, - rather than recording these values individually for each pixel. The drawback of the format however, has been its relatively inefficient compression technique, - although this can be compensated for by using the well-known ZIP data-compression facility to reduce file size.
The Tiff (Tagged Image File Format) format is designed to be used primarily with the printing of Raster images. It first emerged as a Desktop Publishing standard and has since come under the control of Adobe Systems. Its chief notable feature is its use of “tags” to point to pixel and other image data held within the file. The tagging of image data facilitates buffering and permits easier retrieval of image data, which in turn helps achieve faster printing speeds. TIFF offers the so-called LZW (Lempel Ziv Welch) compression which, unlike the JEPG standard is a "lossless" form of data compression
Example of a Raster image
Figure-1 below shows a Raster image before and after enlargement. The enlarged version of the image on the right of Figure-1, is beginning to reveal its underlying pixel matrix structure. The marked deterioration in quality evident in the enlarged version, also illustrates one of the key characteristics of a Raster image, - that of fixed resolution. A Raster image is made of a fixed number of pixels, which, unlike Vector graphics discussed below, cannot be scaled up to maintain the same degree of resolution in the enlarged image.
Vector Graphics
Whereas in Raster graphics an image is implemented as a matrix of pixels, in Vector graphics, the image is described by a set of mathematical expressions that plot the points (or nodes), together with the lines and the curves that form the shape of the image, using Cartesian co-ordinates. The shape of the image thus produced, is then filled (rendered) with the required pixel detail at run time to produce the completed image.
To illustrate the difference between Raster and a Vector graphics, consider the Raster image referred to above. This image consists of three concentric red, white and blue circles on a white rectangular background. As explained above, if this image were to be rendered as a Raster graphic, the computer file that described the image would be required essentially to hold pixel data for every individual pixel that forms the pixel-grid (bitmap) for the image. Rendered as Vector graphic however, the corresponding image file would merely contain information about,
- the nodes that form the four corners of the rectangle,
- the node that forms the centre of the concentric circles,
- the mathematical equations that plot the four lines of the rectangle, and
- the mathematical equations that plot the three concentric circles.
The mathematical equations could, for example, be of the form:
Y = mX + c for the four lines connecting the nodes of the rectangle
(where m is slope of the line and c the offset (where the line meets the X-axis))
(X+a)² + (Y+b)² = r² for the three concentric circles
(where r is the radius of the circle, and a and b are the co-ordinates for its centre) (Note that this expression happens to be a special case of the expression for an ellipse)
Additionally, of course the graphic image file would contain information about the colour attributes of the circles.
Characteristics of Vector Graphics
The use of mathematics for the rendering of images gives Vector graphics some special characteristics that readily distinguish them from their Raster counterparts. These concern principally, the size of the image file and the capability for easy scaling.
Small Image File
Perhaps the most noticeable characteristic of a Vector Graphic, is its typically small image file. Because a vector graphic is rendered using mathematical expressions rather than large amounts of pixel data, Vector graphics tend to be contained within small image files. When, for example, a graphic consisting of, say, red, white and blue concentric circles, is created in MS Powerpoint and saved as a Raster graphic using JPEG file format, the image file created turns out to be 17 kbytes in size. When the same image is saved as a Vector graphic using WMF (Windows Meta File) format, the file size is reduced to 5 kbytes. This of course, is a non-rigorous experiment but its results are nevertheless, illustrative of the file size reductions that are typically achieved in Vector graphics imagery. (see Figure – 2, image marked A)
Scalability and Transformations
A further, very useful characteristic of Vector graphics, is their easy scalability. Here too, the use of mathematical expressions, as opposed to bitmap data, facilitates scaling of the image to virtually any required size, since it merely requires the change of appropriate coefficients within these mathematical equations, to achieve the desired effect. This point may also be demonstrated, informally, with the aid of Powerpoint presentation as in Figure – 2 below. In Figure – 2, the Image marked B although scaled up by a factor of 2 from Image A, retains the same filesize as Image A when saved in WMF (Vector) format (i.e. 5 kbytes). The identical filesizes of the two images indicate, as expected, that no additional image data needs to be held in the image file, to facilitate the display of the scaled image. The result is also consistent with the expectation that the mathematical expressions held within the files are the same in both cases, apart from specific coefficients that are changed at run time to achieve the required scaling factor. By contrast, when Image B is saved in JEPG (Raster) format the filesize increases from 17 kbytes to 23 Kbytes to correspond to the bigger pixel grid that defines the scaled up image.
The ease with which Vector graphics can be increased or decreased in size makes them truly resolution independent, - unlike Raster graphics where enlargement of image is limited, and invariably results in the deterioration of resolution quality.
The point about easy scalability also applies to image transformations, which like scaling, can be handled with comparative ease by mathematical operations on image co-ordinates.
Vector Graphic File Formats
Like many of the Raster Graphics formats, Vector graphic formats have been developed by both software vendors and vendor-independent standards bodies. One such vendor-independent body, for example, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) standard. Others developed by vendors of graphics software, include WMF (Windows Meta File) from Microsoft, AI from Adobe Systems and CDR from CoralDraw. The SVG and the WMF formats are briefly described below.
As mentioned above the SVG format has been developed as an open standard by the World Wide Web Consortium. The format uses XML (eXtended Markup Language) as the specification language. The standard, in common with other Vector standards, supports a wide range of shapes such as circles, ellipses and curves and is designed moreover to handle Raster type "bitmaps" which can be converted to Vector format and included in the graphic as necessary. The format also provides for image editing functions and supports such features as layer management, including grouping and ordering of graphic components (image objects). Data compression of SVG format image files is usually achieved by the use of the GZIP facility which provides for a "lossless" form of compression. The file extension used with SVG image files is ".svg".
The WMF format is native to the Windows platform and although proprietary to Microsoft, tends to acquire the attributes of an open standard, - partly because of the ready availability of its specification from Microsoft and partly, no doubt, due the market-dominance of Windows-based products. As well as setting out the file structure of its associated image file, the format defines a set of "WMF objects" and "drawing records" which together make up a graphics image. "WMF objects" describe logical components such as brushes, pens, palettes, regions, and fonts which colour and annotate the image, while "drawing records" refer to the image's constituent shapes such as rectangle, ellipses, and arcs. The WMF format is additionally designed to handle Raster "bitmaps", - in both compressed and uncompressed form. The file extension used with the WMF format is ".wmf".
Animation may be defined as a rapid sequence of graphics that utilises the human brain's propensity to maintain "persistence of vision", to create the impression of an image in motion. Although the subject of some debate, the term "persistence of vision" refers to the apparent tendency of the human brain to retain momentarily, the memory of an image perceived through the eye.
Consider a series of still images, each of which describes a transitory moment in a sequence depicting an object in motion. When the brain receives such a series of images in quick succession, the fleeting retention of each individual image by the brain, results in successive images being merged into one another, to create an optical illusion of smooth, continuous motion, - in other words, the appearance of animation
Frame Rate
The rate at which the still images are received by the brain is commonly referred to as the frame rate (a cinematographical term that equates an image to a frame). It is interesting to note that even at a fairly low frame rate, the human brain can experience "persistence of vision" and therefore the optical illusion of an image in motion. This can readily be observed with the so-called flip-book comics, in which flipping over the pages, even at a relatively slow pace, creates the impression of moving pictures. Graphics animation begins at 12 fps (frames per second), and animation software is increasingly achieving fps ratings comparable to those of films and videos, which can be in excess of 30 fps. The Adobe Flash animation suite , for example, can handle fps ratings of 120 with the default set at 12 fps, which tends to be considered the norm for simple graphics animation.
As a general rule, the higher the fps rate, the smoother the animation appears to be. A high fps rate also helps produce smoother animation in slow motion. Consider an animation of one minute's duration showing, for example, a ballerina dancing on a stage. For such an animation to be of good video quality, it may be created at a frame rate of 30 fps, so that the image file for the animation would hold a total of 1800 frames. To observe the ballerina dancing in normal motion, the animation would be played back at the same frame rate of 30 fps, and would therefore have the same duration of one minute. However, if this animation were required to be played back in slow motion at a speed that is, say, three times slower, then the 1800 frames in the image file would be played back over an extended period of 3 minutes, achieving a frame rate of 10 fps, at which rate, the ballerina's movements will appear jerky. On the other hand, if the one-minute sequence were originally created at a higher rate of 90 fps, then the same slow-motion replay would achieve a frame rate of 30fps resulting a smoother picture showing the ballerina in fluid, graceful movements, albeit in slow motion.
It should be noted however, that the smoothness of animation movement may also depend on the degree of change between individual frames. As a trivial example, consider a sequence of images that only depicts fog. Clearly, if this sequence were to be animated, a smooth animation would be achieved even at a rate as low as 2 fps, since there is very little change between frames.
Key-Frames, In-betweens and Timelines
Frame and frame rates are of course, animation techniques that have their origins in the manual world of cartoon films. The same is also true of other techniques that are central to the creation of computer animations, - those of "key-frames", "in-betweens" (also referred to as "tweens") and "timelines". A timeline generally indicates the duration of an animation sequence, although it may also specify the required time interval between two key-frames. A key-frame can be regarded as a frozen image or a snapshot of an animation at a given instant in time. For smaller, simpler animations, key-frames typically define the start image and the end image of an animation sequence. Larger and more sophisticated animations, may well use key-frames at intermediate points within the sequence. In-betweens are simply the frames that occupy the timeline between key-frames.
When produced manually, old-fashioned cartoon films would typically require a master cartoonist to create the "key-frames" of the animated sequence, with apprentice cartoonists creating the "in-between" frames as required, based upon the timeline (or duration) of the sequence. The advent of computer graphics has allowed this process to be largely automated. The graphics artist is now merely required to create the "key-frames" and specify the timeline for the animation sequence, to allow the graphics software then to create the required "in-betweens".
As an example, consider the trivial case of an animation that shows an arrow that is initially pointing to the right, and which rotates clockwise through 180 degrees to end up pointing to the left. Let us assume for the purposes of this illustration that the time taken for the rotation is ten seconds. For this simple animation, the graphic artist will only be required to create the start and the end key-frames. The start key-frame will show an arrow pointing to the right. Similarly, the end key-frame will show an arrow pointing to the left. The transformation of these two key-frames into an animation sequence will be effected by the animation software, which will produce the necessary in-betweens, based on the duration of the sequence (or the timeline, in animation terminology), and its own default frame-rate for animations (although this can be user-defined). In this instance, since the duration of the sequence is 10 seconds, then at a default frame-rate of, say, 12fps, the software will produce 120 in-betweens, each showing the arrow moving clockwise through 1.5 degrees. The resultant graphics image file will subsequently be played back at 12fps to show a 10 second animation of a rotating arrow.
The automatic creation of in-betweens by the animation software is, of course, facilitated by the use of vector graphics. Vector graphics, being defined as a set of mathematical expressions, are well suited for the type of image transformations that in-betweens require. In the simple example described above, the transformation required for each successive in-between is that of image rotation. Needless to say, other types of transformations such as translation, inversion and scaling are also possible with vector graphics to support the creation of sophisticated animations depicting a variety of shapes and movements.
Common Animation File Formats
File formats that are widely encountered in animation graphics include AVI, MPEG, MOV and SWF. The AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) file format is a video movie file format that originated with Microsoft. The MPEG file format has been designed by the Moving Picture Experts Group. Initially, when published as MPEG-1, the standard concerned video and audio storage on CDs. The latest revision, MPEG-4, supports video, audio, 2D and 3D graphics, as well as texts and still images. MPEG4 compliant image files generally have the file extension of ".mp4", although application dependent variations exist. The MOV format is a creation of Apple and is designed to be used with their Quicktime product. The SWF (Shock Wave Flash) format is a well-known animation format used by Adobe Flash. The format tends to be widely encountered in web animation, possibly as result of the ready availability of the Flash plug-in with popular browsers such as the Internet Explorer.
Animation Graphics Software Available on the Market
Advances in computer technology such as faster processors and the availability of higher bandwidths for data transfer, have combined to create a growing market for sophisticated animation software. Leading vendors of animation software include Adobe, NewTek, Toon Boon and Apple. The products offered by these vendors are often directed at particular niches within the computer animation market. Thus Adobe Flash CS4 is focused on two dimensional graphics, while NewTek's Lightwave and 3D-Arsenal products are designed to be used with 3-D animation and video integration respectively. A brief description of two animation products, the Adobe Flash CS4 and the NewTek 3D-Arsenal is given below.
Flash CS4
Flash is arguably one of the better known animation suites on the market, not least because the Flash Player happens to be readily available from Adobe as a free download. The latest version of the Flash animation suite is the CS4 Professional. The development tools offered with this version include pre-built animations, a Motion Editor and transformation and rotation tools. The creation of animation in-betweens is simplified by techniques such as automatic generation of motion paths and the use of so-called "motion tweens". The latter feature effectively eliminates the need for manual creation of fixed-frames. Flash also provides a graphics programming language, ActionScript, which can optionally be used as a precision tool for creating more sophisticated, high quality and high performance animations.
3D-Arsenal, as the name indicates, is principally a graphics tool for creating three dimensional animations. However, it is also used as a video editing tool to combine user defined texts and logos with video content and where required, with the tool's own pre-built animation templates, to create high quality video animations. 3D-Arsenal markets itself as a highly customisable tool. The pre-built templates and functions provided by the tool may be modified with ease to meet user requirements or suit artistic taste.
Animation Examples
Computer animations have grown significantly in sophistication and quality since their first appearance as simple moving cartoons. The different types of computer animations that are now routinely encountered, include 2D and 3D cartoons, as well as multimedia, video quality animations. The full range of computer animations now encompasses simple figures in motion, two and three dimensional objects moving in three dimensional space, as well as multi-media animations of video quality. The list of web links below offers a selection of the different types of animations that graphics technologies are currently capable of producing.
(a) - The web page at this link shows a series of animations. Some of the animations may be considered as being at the lower end of computer graphics technology. They show simple 2D and 3D animations in motion. However, the series also includes some examples that illustrate the more advanced graphics technology of video animation.
(b) - This link, like the one at (a) above, shows a simple cartoon style animation in 2D with sound. Although a comparatively low-technology graphic, the animation has much artistic merit.
(c) - The animation displayed by this link has used graphics technologies of a more recent vintage. The animation is approaching video quality and the inclusion of sound also makes it “multi-media”.
(d) - This graphic is a tutorial on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. It is a high quality 2D cartoon animation with sound. It is also an interesting presentation on the subject of relativity, albeit at an elementary level.
(e) - This is another tutorial from the same graphic artist as the one at (d) above. It is on the rather esoteric subject of “Pleiotropic Drug Resistance”. However, its interest here lies in the high quality of its animation and its multi-media aspect, such as the inclusion of photographic material.
(f) - This is an educational animation that explains the workings of a human heart. It contains two and three dimensional images, together with a sound commentary.
(g) The link below connects to the Adobe Flash HD Gallery. This is a high definition video showing a surfer in slow motion Although videos historically have followed a separate path of technological development, they like their audio counterpart, have converged to become a part of the multi-media graphics technology that is used to create quality animations.
(1) Processing, Creative Coding and Computational Art, Ira Greenberg, 2007, pages 116 – 118.
(2) JEPG File Format - ISO/IEC IS 10918-1 | ITU-T Recommendation T.81, (also JPEG JFIF) Specification in PDF format at “”
(3) BMP File Format - File format description at the links below:
(4) TIFF File Format – TIFF Revision 6.0 from Adobe Systems Inc. Specification in PDF format at “”
(5) SVG File Format – World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommended, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification, (
(6) WMF File Format – Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Windows Metafile Format Specification Revision 4. (
(7) MPEG File Format - ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Overview of the MPEG-4 Standard, (
(8) Flash CS4 – Adobe Flash CS4 Professional (
(9) 3D-Arsenal – NewTek 3D Arsenal (
(10) New Frontiers of Learning, Electronic Edition, Peter Davies, Tim Brailsford, University of Nottingham, April 1994, Section, Vector File Formats, Section 6.2.2, Graphics (
(11) University of Surrey, School of Electronic and Physical Sciences, Kevin Hughes' HyperMedia tutorial, November 1998. (
(12) European Commission Information Provider’s Guide, September 2008, (
(13) Computer Data Formats, Version 2, 2002, Craig L. Scanlon, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey, “Graphics”, “Animation and 3-D”. (
(14) The Bitmap Standards - BMP, TIFF, GIF and JPEG, Tom Arah, 2005,
(15) Raster Images versus Vector Images, Jay Busselle, Digital Art Solutions,
(16) Facts About Vector Images, By Sue Chastain, 2009.
(17) The Myth Of Persistence Of Vision Revisited, By Joseph and Barbara Anderson, University of Central Arkansas, Center for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image.
(18) Persistence of Vision, Educational Website,
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Progress to Date
I had been worrying myself as to how I was going to include examples of animations in Chunk but I think I may have been worrying unnecessarily. Looking again at Darrel's instructions, it looks as though I need to provide links to examples of animations rather than animations themselves. That should make life a lot easier. As for the Chunk, the latest version is as shown below.
The previous chapter, Chapter 21, described the concept of a coordinating system and the use of pixels for the production of digital images. In this chapter we explain firstly, how the pixel-based approach to digital imaging is used to produce the so-called Raster graphics, and how Raster graphics differ from the other type of digital imagery known as Vector graphics. Secondly, the chapter explains how the techniques of computer imaging are further extended to achieve that more exotic type of computer graphic, - animation.
Raster Graphics
In Raster graphics, an image may be conceptualised as a grid of pixels. which coalesce together to form a smooth, continuous image.
Imagine each pixel as a single light bulb which is capable of acquiring individually, a wide range of different colours by virtue of being controlled by some clever software or some clever programmable graphics card, to which all the bulbs in the matrix are connected. If this grid of bulbs were set up to display, say, concentric red, white and blue circles on a white background, then close up, an observer may only notice different coloured light bulbs without discerning any pattern within them such as concentric circles. However, if the observer were to stand a hundred metres away, to his naked eye the bulbs will have coalesced into a smooth display of different coloured circles on a white background and he will scarcely be aware that the image that he is seeing consists in fact of a grid of individual light bulbs. A Raster image formed using a matrix of pixels works in much the same way to display an image on the computer screen (or monitor).
The term "Raster" is by no means an innovation of computer graphics. It has in the past been used widely, in the context of the television imaging technique known as "raster scanning" which forms the basis of television pictures. (for the benefit of those interested in the etymology of the word, the term "Raster" is said to have been derived from a Latin root meaning "Rake").
Raster graphics are typically used for photographic images, or images of drawings and paintings in which there is a large variation of colour and contrast. Since, as explained above, the creation of Raster graphics involves the breaking down of an image into large numbers of minute pixels, it follows that a Raster graphic file is required to hold a large amount of data, such as colour, tone and position, for each individual pixel within the image. Raster graphic files therefore tend to be very large in size and consequently, data compression has become an important factor in the file formats that are prescribed for Raster graphics, such as JEPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIFF.
Quality of a Raster Image - "dots per inch" and "lines per inch"
Whilst the pixel-grid described above forms the basis of a Raster graphic, its quality is determined chiefly by two measures of pixel density. These are the "Dots per Inch" (dpi) and "Lines per Inch" (lpi).
The dpi measure refers to the number of pixels (a dot being synonymous with a pixel in this context) contained in each inch of the computer screen that displays the image (usually the computer monitor). It should be appreciated that in modern computers, the display screen is not pre-designed with a fixed number of pixels or dots per inch. The dpi value can be changed dynamically using the computer's software. Some Windows XP laptops, for example, provide an option of using either 96 dpi or 120 dpi. As may be expected, the higher the dpi value, the higher the resolution of the image and correspondingly greater its quality.
The lpi measure pertains to the quality of the printed image of a Raster graphic rather than its screen display. As with dpi, the higher the lpi value (or lpi "frequency" as it is often referred to) the better the quality of the printed image. There is however, a relationship between dpi and lpi that needs to be taken into account for high quality printing of Raster graphics. The formal mathematical expression for this relationship need not concern us here but as a general rule, for best results, the dpi value of the on-screen image should be set to be twice that of the printer's lpi frequency. Thus if the printer is operating at 200 lpi, the dpi value should be set at 400 dpi.
Raster Graphic File Formats
There is a large variety of file formats used for the storage of bit data pertaining to a Raster graphic. The more commonly used file formats include, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIF. All of these formats have their own special features that make each of them more suitable for some functions than others. The TIFF format, for example, is more suited for printing of Raster graphics, while JEPG is considered more appropriate for Web operations involving “continuous tone” Raster graphics. Being Raster graphics file formats, all of these are concerned with the handling of "bitmap" data (bitmap being an alternative term for a pixel-grid). However, they vary in the their file structures and the techniques that they use for organising pixel data within their file structures. The TIFF format, for example, uses tags to locate image data, whereas BMP employs indexing. All use varying levels of data compression to achieve file size reduction. Some of these formats, the JEPG, the BMP and the TIFF, are briefly described below.
JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, a committee that produced the standard in 1992. Given its ancestry with the Joint Photographic Experts Group, it is not surprising that the JPEG format is widely used for photographic images. Raster graphic files created using the JPEG standard typically have the file extension ".jpg", although ".jepg" is also encountered. The main differentiator of the JEPG format, from the others mentioned above, lies in the technique that it uses to achieve data compression. JPEG format holds the bit information pertaining to an image in a highly compressed mode making the image file very compact and thereby improving immensely its file transfer speed. The latter is particularly significant for downloading and uploading image data to the Internet, where the bandwidth, particularly for home computers, tends to be limited (despite the advent of Broadband). The drawback of JPEG format’s high compression is that it is prone to loosing data in decompression, which in turn leads to the loss of some quality in the image that is subsequently displayed. (In computer graphics jargon, JEPG data compression is said to be "lossy"). Because of its tendency to loose bit data through compression, JEPG is not considered suitable for drawings such as maps where colours are sharply contrasted.
The BMP format (short for Bitmap) originated with Microsoft Windows but is also used by many image processing applications that are not native to the Windows operating system. The distinguishing characteristic of the BMP format has been its use of indexing for recording the colour value of the pixels, - rather than recording these values individually for each pixel. The drawback of the format however, has been its relatively inefficient compression technique, - although this can be compensated for by using the well-known ZIP data-compression facility to reduce file size.
The Tiff (Tagged Image File Format) format is designed to be used primarily with the printing of Raster images. It first emerged as a Desktop Publishing standard and has since come under the control of Adobe Systems. Its chief notable feature is its use of “tags” to point to pixel and other image data held within the file. The tagging of image data facilitates buffering and permits easier retrieval of image data, which in turn helps achieve faster printing speeds. TIFF offers the so-called LZW (Lempel Ziv Welch) compression which, unlike the JEPG standard a "lossless" form of data compression
Examples of Raster images
Vector Graphics
Whereas in Raster graphics an image is implemented as a matrix of pixels, in Vector graphics, the image is described by a set of mathematical expressions that plot the points (or nodes), the lines and the curves that form the shape of the image, using Cartesian co-ordinates. The shape of the image thus produced, is then filled (rendered) with the required pixel detail at run time to produce the completed image.
To illustrate the difference between Raster and a Vector graphics, consider the Raster image referred to above. This image consists of three concentric red, white and blue circles on a white rectangular background. When rendering this image as a Raster graphic, the computer file that describes this image is required essentially to hold pixel data for every individual pixel that forms the pixel-grid (bitmap) for the image. This approach contrasts with that used for Vector graphics. If the same image were to be rendered as a Vector graphic, then the computer file for the image would essentially contain information about the nodes that form the four corners of the rectangle, the node that forms the centre of the concentric circles, together with the mathematical equations that plot the four lines of the rectangle, and the three concentric circles.
The mathematical equations would be of the form:
Y = mX + c for the four lines connecting the nodes of the rectangle (where m is slope of the line and c the offset (where the line meets the X-axis))
(X+a)² + (Y+b)² = r² for the three concentric circles (where r is the radius of the circle, and a and b are the co-ordinates for its centre)
Additionally, of course the graphic image file would contain information about the colour attributes of the circles.
Characteristics of Vector Graphics
The use of mathematics for the rendering of images gives Vector graphics some special characteristics that readily distinguish them from their Raster counterparts. These concern principally, the size of the image file and the capability for easy scaling.
Small Image File
Perhaps the most noticeable characteristic of a Vector Graphic, is its typically small image file. Because a vector graphic is rendered using mathematical expressions rather than large amounts of pixel data, Vector graphics tend to be contained within small image files. When, for example, the graphic referred to above (red, white and blue concentric circles on a white rectangular background) is created in MS Powerpoint and saved as a Raster graphic using JPEG file format, the image file created turns out to be 25 kbytes in size. When the same image is saved as a Vector graphic using WMF (Windows Meta File) format, the file size is reduced to 6 kbytes. This of course, is a non-rigorous experiment but its results are nevertheless, illustrative of the file size reductions that are typically achieved in Vector graphics imagery.
A further, very useful characteristic of Vector graphics, is their easy scalability. Here too, the use of mathematical expressions, as opposed to bitmap data, facilitates scaling of the image to virtually any required size, since it merely requires the change of appropriate coefficients within the mathematical equations to achieve the desired effect. The ease with which Vector graphics can be increased or decreased in size makes them truly resolution independent, - unlike Raster graphics where enlargement of image is limited, and invariably results in the deterioration of resolution quality. The point about easy scalability also applies to image transformations, which like scaling, can be handled with comparative ease by mathematical operations on image co-ordinates.
Vector Graphic File Formats
Like many of the Raster Graphics formats, Vector graphic formats have been developed by both software vendors and vendor-independent standards bodies. One such vendor-independent body, for example, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) standard. Others developed by vendors of graphics software, include WMF (Windows Meta File) from Microsoft, AI from Adobe Systems and CDR from CoralDraw. The SVG and the WMF formats are briefly described below.
As mentioned above the SVG format has been developed as an open standard by the World Wide Web Consortium. The format uses XML (eXtended Markup Language) as the specification language. The standard, in common with other Vector standards, supports a wide range of shapes such as circles, ellipses and curves and is designed moreover to handle Raster type "bitmaps" which can be converted to Vector format and included in the graphic as necessary. The format also provides for image editing functions and supports such features as layer management, including grouping and ordering of graphic components (image objects). Data compression of SVG format image files is usually achieved by the use of the GZIP facility which provides for a "lossless" form of compression. The file extension used with SVG image files is ".svg".
The WMF format is native to the Windows platform and although proprietary to Microsoft, tends to acquire the attributes of an open standard, - partly because of the ready availability of its specification from Microsoft and partly, no doubt, due the market-dominance of Windows-based products in the market. A well as setting out the file structure of its associated image file, the format defines a set of "WMF objects" and "drawing records" which together make up a graphics image. "WMF objects" describe logical components such as brushes, pens, palettes, regions, and fonts which colour and annotate the image, while "drawing records" refer to the image's constituent shapes such as rectangle, ellipses, and arcs. The WMF format is additionally designed to handle Raster "bitmaps", - in both compressed and uncompressed form. The file extension used with the WMF format is ".wmf".
Animation may be defined as a rapid sequence of graphics that utilises the human brain's propensity to maintain "persistence of vision", to create the impression of an image in motion. Although the subject of some debate, the term "persistence of vision" refers to the apparent tendency of the human brain to retain momentarily, the memory of an image perceived through the eye.
Consider a series of still images, each of which describes a transitory moment in a sequence that depicts an object in motion. When the brain receives such a series if images in quick succession, the fleeting retention of each individual image by the brain, results in the entire series of images being merged incrementally into one another, thus creating an optical illusion of smooth, continuous motion, - in other words, the appearance of animation.
The rate at which the still images are received by the brain is commonly referred to as the frame rate (a cinematographical term that equates an image to a frame). It is interesting to note that even at a fairly low frame rate, the human brain can experience "persistence of vision" and therefore the optical illusion of an image in motion. This can be readily observed with the so-called flip-book comics, in which flipping over the pages, even at a relatively slow pace, creates the impression of moving pictures. Graphics animation begins at 12 fps (frames per second), and animation software is increasingly achieving fps ratings comparable to those of films and videos, which can be in excess of 30 fps. The Adobe Flash animation suite , for example, can handle fps ratings of 120 with the default set at 12 fps, which tends to be considered the norm for simple graphics animation.
As a general rule, the higher the fps rate, the smoother the animation appears to be. A high fps rate also helps produce smoother animation in slow motion. Consider an animation of one minute's duration showing, for example, a ballerina dancing on a stage. For such an animation to be of good video quality, it may be created at a frame rate of 30 fps, so that the image file would hold a total of 1800 frames. To observe the ballerina dancing in normal motion, the animation would be played back at the same frame rate of 30 fps, and would therefore have the same duration of one minute. However, if this animation were required to be played back in slow motion at a speed that is, say, three times slower, then the 1800 frames in the image file would be played back over an extended period of 3 minutes, achieving a frame rate of 10 fps, at which rate, the ballerina's movements will appear jerky. On the other hand, if the one-minute sequence were originally created at a higher rate of 90 fps, then the same slow-motion replay would achieve a frame rate of 30fps resulting a smoother picture showing the ballerina in fluid, graceful movements.
It should be noted however, that the smoothness of animation movement may also depend on the degree of change between individual frames. As a trivial example, consider a sequence of images that only depicts fog. Clearly, if this sequence were to be animated, a smooth animation would be achieved even at a rate as low as 2 fps, since there is very little change between frames.
Frame and frame rates are of course, animation techniques that have their origins in the manual world of cartoon films. The same is also true of two further techniques that are central to the creation of computer animations, - those of "key-frames", "in-betweens" (also referred to as "tweens") and timelines. When produced manually, cartoon films would typically require a master cartoonist to create the "key-frames" of the animated sequence, with apprentice cartoonists creating the "in-between" frames as required depending upon the timeline (or duration) of the sequence. The advent of computer graphics has allowed this process to be virtually automated. The graphics artist is merely required to create the "key-frames" and specify the timeline for the animation sequence, for the graphics software to then create the required "in-betweens". Graphics software suites currently on the market, also provide graphics programming languages which can be used as highly specialised tools for creating sophisticated, high performance animations.
The previous chapter, Chapter 21, described the concept of a coordinating system and the use of pixels for the production of digital images. In this chapter we explain firstly, how the pixel-based approach to digital imaging is used to produce the so-called Raster graphics, and how Raster graphics differ from the other type of digital imagery known as Vector graphics. Secondly, the chapter explains how the techniques of computer imaging are further extended to achieve that more exotic type of computer graphic, - animation.
Raster Graphics
In Raster graphics, an image may be conceptualised as a grid of pixels. which coalesce together to form a smooth, continuous image.
Imagine each pixel as a single light bulb which is capable of acquiring individually, a wide range of different colours by virtue of being controlled by some clever software or some clever programmable graphics card, to which all the bulbs in the matrix are connected. If this grid of bulbs were set up to display, say, concentric red, white and blue circles on a white background, then close up, an observer may only notice different coloured light bulbs without discerning any pattern within them such as concentric circles. However, if the observer were to stand a hundred metres away, to his naked eye the bulbs will have coalesced into a smooth display of different coloured circles on a white background and he will scarcely be aware that the image that he is seeing consists in fact of a grid of individual light bulbs. A Raster image formed using a matrix of pixels works in much the same way to display an image on the computer screen (or monitor).
The term "Raster" is by no means an innovation of computer graphics. It has in the past been used widely, in the context of the television imaging technique known as "raster scanning" which forms the basis of television pictures. (for the benefit of those interested in the etymology of the word, the term "Raster" is said to have been derived from a Latin root meaning "Rake").
Raster graphics are typically used for photographic images, or images of drawings and paintings in which there is a large variation of colour and contrast. Since, as explained above, the creation of Raster graphics involves the breaking down of an image into large numbers of minute pixels, it follows that a Raster graphic file is required to hold a large amount of data, such as colour, tone and position, for each individual pixel within the image. Raster graphic files therefore tend to be very large in size and consequently, data compression has become an important factor in the file formats that are prescribed for Raster graphics, such as JEPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIFF.
Quality of a Raster Image - "dots per inch" and "lines per inch"
Whilst the pixel-grid described above forms the basis of a Raster graphic, its quality is determined chiefly by two measures of pixel density. These are the "Dots per Inch" (dpi) and "Lines per Inch" (lpi).
The dpi measure refers to the number of pixels (a dot being synonymous with a pixel in this context) contained in each inch of the computer screen that displays the image (usually the computer monitor). It should be appreciated that in modern computers, the display screen is not pre-designed with a fixed number of pixels or dots per inch. The dpi value can be changed dynamically using the computer's software. Some Windows XP laptops, for example, provide an option of using either 96 dpi or 120 dpi. As may be expected, the higher the dpi value, the higher the resolution of the image and correspondingly greater its quality.
The lpi measure pertains to the quality of the printed image of a Raster graphic rather than its screen display. As with dpi, the higher the lpi value (or lpi "frequency" as it is often referred to) the better the quality of the printed image. There is however, a relationship between dpi and lpi that needs to be taken into account for high quality printing of Raster graphics. The formal mathematical expression for this relationship need not concern us here but as a general rule, for best results, the dpi value of the on-screen image should be set to be twice that of the printer's lpi frequency. Thus if the printer is operating at 200 lpi, the dpi value should be set at 400 dpi.
Raster Graphic File Formats
There is a large variety of file formats used for the storage of bit data pertaining to a Raster graphic. The more commonly used file formats include, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIF. All of these formats have their own special features that make each of them more suitable for some functions than others. The TIFF format, for example, is more suited for printing of Raster graphics, while JEPG is considered more appropriate for Web operations involving “continuous tone” Raster graphics. Being Raster graphics file formats, all of these are concerned with the handling of "bitmap" data (bitmap being an alternative term for a pixel-grid). However, they vary in the their file structures and the techniques that they use for organising pixel data within their file structures. The TIFF format, for example, uses tags to locate image data, whereas BMP employs indexing. All use varying levels of data compression to achieve file size reduction. Some of these formats, the JEPG, the BMP and the TIFF, are briefly described below.
JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, a committee that produced the standard in 1992. Given its ancestry with the Joint Photographic Experts Group, it is not surprising that the JPEG format is widely used for photographic images. Raster graphic files created using the JPEG standard typically have the file extension ".jpg", although ".jepg" is also encountered. The main differentiator of the JEPG format, from the others mentioned above, lies in the technique that it uses to achieve data compression. JPEG format holds the bit information pertaining to an image in a highly compressed mode making the image file very compact and thereby improving immensely its file transfer speed. The latter is particularly significant for downloading and uploading image data to the Internet, where the bandwidth, particularly for home computers, tends to be limited (despite the advent of Broadband). The drawback of JPEG format’s high compression is that it is prone to loosing data in decompression, which in turn leads to the loss of some quality in the image that is subsequently displayed. (In computer graphics jargon, JEPG data compression is said to be "lossy"). Because of its tendency to loose bit data through compression, JEPG is not considered suitable for drawings such as maps where colours are sharply contrasted.
The BMP format (short for Bitmap) originated with Microsoft Windows but is also used by many image processing applications that are not native to the Windows operating system. The distinguishing characteristic of the BMP format has been its use of indexing for recording the colour value of the pixels, - rather than recording these values individually for each pixel. The drawback of the format however, has been its relatively inefficient compression technique, - although this can be compensated for by using the well-known ZIP data-compression facility to reduce file size.
The Tiff (Tagged Image File Format) format is designed to be used primarily with the printing of Raster images. It first emerged as a Desktop Publishing standard and has since come under the control of Adobe Systems. Its chief notable feature is its use of “tags” to point to pixel and other image data held within the file. The tagging of image data facilitates buffering and permits easier retrieval of image data, which in turn helps achieve faster printing speeds. TIFF offers the so-called LZW (Lempel Ziv Welch) compression which, unlike the JEPG standard a "lossless" form of data compression
Examples of Raster images
Vector Graphics
Whereas in Raster graphics an image is implemented as a matrix of pixels, in Vector graphics, the image is described by a set of mathematical expressions that plot the points (or nodes), the lines and the curves that form the shape of the image, using Cartesian co-ordinates. The shape of the image thus produced, is then filled (rendered) with the required pixel detail at run time to produce the completed image.
To illustrate the difference between Raster and a Vector graphics, consider the Raster image referred to above. This image consists of three concentric red, white and blue circles on a white rectangular background. When rendering this image as a Raster graphic, the computer file that describes this image is required essentially to hold pixel data for every individual pixel that forms the pixel-grid (bitmap) for the image. This approach contrasts with that used for Vector graphics. If the same image were to be rendered as a Vector graphic, then the computer file for the image would essentially contain information about the nodes that form the four corners of the rectangle, the node that forms the centre of the concentric circles, together with the mathematical equations that plot the four lines of the rectangle, and the three concentric circles.
The mathematical equations would be of the form:
Y = mX + c for the four lines connecting the nodes of the rectangle (where m is slope of the line and c the offset (where the line meets the X-axis))
(X+a)² + (Y+b)² = r² for the three concentric circles (where r is the radius of the circle, and a and b are the co-ordinates for its centre)
Additionally, of course the graphic image file would contain information about the colour attributes of the circles.
Characteristics of Vector Graphics
The use of mathematics for the rendering of images gives Vector graphics some special characteristics that readily distinguish them from their Raster counterparts. These concern principally, the size of the image file and the capability for easy scaling.
Small Image File
Perhaps the most noticeable characteristic of a Vector Graphic, is its typically small image file. Because a vector graphic is rendered using mathematical expressions rather than large amounts of pixel data, Vector graphics tend to be contained within small image files. When, for example, the graphic referred to above (red, white and blue concentric circles on a white rectangular background) is created in MS Powerpoint and saved as a Raster graphic using JPEG file format, the image file created turns out to be 25 kbytes in size. When the same image is saved as a Vector graphic using WMF (Windows Meta File) format, the file size is reduced to 6 kbytes. This of course, is a non-rigorous experiment but its results are nevertheless, illustrative of the file size reductions that are typically achieved in Vector graphics imagery.
A further, very useful characteristic of Vector graphics, is their easy scalability. Here too, the use of mathematical expressions, as opposed to bitmap data, facilitates scaling of the image to virtually any required size, since it merely requires the change of appropriate coefficients within the mathematical equations to achieve the desired effect. The ease with which Vector graphics can be increased or decreased in size makes them truly resolution independent, - unlike Raster graphics where enlargement of image is limited, and invariably results in the deterioration of resolution quality. The point about easy scalability also applies to image transformations, which like scaling, can be handled with comparative ease by mathematical operations on image co-ordinates.
Vector Graphic File Formats
Like many of the Raster Graphics formats, Vector graphic formats have been developed by both software vendors and vendor-independent standards bodies. One such vendor-independent body, for example, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) standard. Others developed by vendors of graphics software, include WMF (Windows Meta File) from Microsoft, AI from Adobe Systems and CDR from CoralDraw. The SVG and the WMF formats are briefly described below.
As mentioned above the SVG format has been developed as an open standard by the World Wide Web Consortium. The format uses XML (eXtended Markup Language) as the specification language. The standard, in common with other Vector standards, supports a wide range of shapes such as circles, ellipses and curves and is designed moreover to handle Raster type "bitmaps" which can be converted to Vector format and included in the graphic as necessary. The format also provides for image editing functions and supports such features as layer management, including grouping and ordering of graphic components (image objects). Data compression of SVG format image files is usually achieved by the use of the GZIP facility which provides for a "lossless" form of compression. The file extension used with SVG image files is ".svg".
The WMF format is native to the Windows platform and although proprietary to Microsoft, tends to acquire the attributes of an open standard, - partly because of the ready availability of its specification from Microsoft and partly, no doubt, due the market-dominance of Windows-based products in the market. A well as setting out the file structure of its associated image file, the format defines a set of "WMF objects" and "drawing records" which together make up a graphics image. "WMF objects" describe logical components such as brushes, pens, palettes, regions, and fonts which colour and annotate the image, while "drawing records" refer to the image's constituent shapes such as rectangle, ellipses, and arcs. The WMF format is additionally designed to handle Raster "bitmaps", - in both compressed and uncompressed form. The file extension used with the WMF format is ".wmf".
Animation may be defined as a rapid sequence of graphics that utilises the human brain's propensity to maintain "persistence of vision", to create the impression of an image in motion. Although the subject of some debate, the term "persistence of vision" refers to the apparent tendency of the human brain to retain momentarily, the memory of an image perceived through the eye.
Consider a series of still images, each of which describes a transitory moment in a sequence that depicts an object in motion. When the brain receives such a series if images in quick succession, the fleeting retention of each individual image by the brain, results in the entire series of images being merged incrementally into one another, thus creating an optical illusion of smooth, continuous motion, - in other words, the appearance of animation.
The rate at which the still images are received by the brain is commonly referred to as the frame rate (a cinematographical term that equates an image to a frame). It is interesting to note that even at a fairly low frame rate, the human brain can experience "persistence of vision" and therefore the optical illusion of an image in motion. This can be readily observed with the so-called flip-book comics, in which flipping over the pages, even at a relatively slow pace, creates the impression of moving pictures. Graphics animation begins at 12 fps (frames per second), and animation software is increasingly achieving fps ratings comparable to those of films and videos, which can be in excess of 30 fps. The Adobe Flash animation suite , for example, can handle fps ratings of 120 with the default set at 12 fps, which tends to be considered the norm for simple graphics animation.
As a general rule, the higher the fps rate, the smoother the animation appears to be. A high fps rate also helps produce smoother animation in slow motion. Consider an animation of one minute's duration showing, for example, a ballerina dancing on a stage. For such an animation to be of good video quality, it may be created at a frame rate of 30 fps, so that the image file would hold a total of 1800 frames. To observe the ballerina dancing in normal motion, the animation would be played back at the same frame rate of 30 fps, and would therefore have the same duration of one minute. However, if this animation were required to be played back in slow motion at a speed that is, say, three times slower, then the 1800 frames in the image file would be played back over an extended period of 3 minutes, achieving a frame rate of 10 fps, at which rate, the ballerina's movements will appear jerky. On the other hand, if the one-minute sequence were originally created at a higher rate of 90 fps, then the same slow-motion replay would achieve a frame rate of 30fps resulting a smoother picture showing the ballerina in fluid, graceful movements.
It should be noted however, that the smoothness of animation movement may also depend on the degree of change between individual frames. As a trivial example, consider a sequence of images that only depicts fog. Clearly, if this sequence were to be animated, a smooth animation would be achieved even at a rate as low as 2 fps, since there is very little change between frames.
Frame and frame rates are of course, animation techniques that have their origins in the manual world of cartoon films. The same is also true of two further techniques that are central to the creation of computer animations, - those of "key-frames", "in-betweens" (also referred to as "tweens") and timelines. When produced manually, cartoon films would typically require a master cartoonist to create the "key-frames" of the animated sequence, with apprentice cartoonists creating the "in-between" frames as required depending upon the timeline (or duration) of the sequence. The advent of computer graphics has allowed this process to be virtually automated. The graphics artist is merely required to create the "key-frames" and specify the timeline for the animation sequence, for the graphics software to then create the required "in-betweens". Graphics software suites currently on the market, also provide graphics programming languages which can be used as highly specialised tools for creating sophisticated, high performance animations.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Have managed to make reasonably good progress. My chunk is mainly textual and after a bit of struggle,the narrative seems to be coming together. The next challenge I think, is to find some good examples to go with the text, especially animation ones. But I am a lot happier with my progress now than I had been before.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Second Draft
Progress has not been as fast as it ought to have been. Nevertheless, the second draft is as shown below.
The previous chapter, Chapter 21, described the concept of a coordinating system and the use of pixels for the production of digital images. In this chapter we explain firstly, how the pixel-based approach to digital imaging is used to produce the so-called Raster graphics, and how Raster graphics differ from the other type of digital imagery known as Vector graphics. Secondly, the chapter explains how the techniques of computer imaging are further extended to achieve that more exotic type of computer graphic, - animation.
Raster Graphics
In Raster graphics, an image may be conceptualised as a grid of pixels. which coalesce together to form a smooth, continuous image.
Imagine each pixel as a single light bulb which is capable of acquiring individually, a wide range of different colours by virtue of being controlled by some clever software or some clever programmable graphics card, to which all the bulbs in the matrix are connected. If this grid of bulbs were set up to display, say, concentric red, white and blue circles on a white background, then close up, an observer may only notice different coloured light bulbs without discerning any pattern within them such as concentric circles. However, if the observer were to stand a hundred metres away, to his naked eye, the bulbs will have coalesced into a smooth display of different coloured circles on a white background and he will scarcely be aware that the image that he is seeing consists in fact of a grid of individual light bulbs. A Raster image formed using a matrix of pixels works in much the same way to display an image on the computer screen (or monitor).
The term "Raster" is by no means an innovation of computer graphics. It has in the past been used widely, in the context of the television imaging technique known as "raster scanning" which forms the basis of television pictures. (for the benefit of those interested in the etymology of the word, the term "Raster" is said to have been derived from a Latin root meaning "Rake").
Raster graphics are typically used for photographic images, or images of drawings and paintings in which there is a large variation of colour and contrast. Since, as explained above, the creation of Raster graphics involves the breaking down of an image into large numbers of minute pixels, it follows that a Raster graphic file is required to hold a large amount of data, such as colour, tone and position, for each individual pixel within the image. Raster graphic files therefore tend to be very large in size and consequently, data compression has become an important factor in the file formats that are prescribed for Raster graphics such as JEPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIFF.
Quality of a Raster Image - "dots per inch" and "lines per inch"
Whilst the pixel-grid described above forms the basis of a Raster graphic, its quality is determined chiefly by two measures of pixel density. These are the "Dots per Inch" (dpi) and "Lines per Inch" (lpi).
The dpi measure refers to the number of pixels (a dot being synonymous with a pixel in this context) contained in each inch of the computer screen that displays the image (usually the computer monitor). It should be appreciated that in modern computers, the display screen is not pre-designed with a fixed number of pixels or dots per inch. The dpi value can be changed dynamically using the computer's software. Some Windows XP laptops, for example, provide an option of using either 96 dpi or 120 dpi. As may be expected, the higher the dpi value, the higher the resolution of the image and correspondingly greater its quality.
The lpi measure pertains to the quality of the printed image of a Raster graphic rather than its screen display. As with dpi, the higher the lpi value (or lpi "frequency" as it is often referred to) the better the quality of the printed image. There is however, a relationship between dpi and lpi that needs to be taken into account for high quality printing of Raster graphics. The formal mathematical expression for this relationship need not concern us here but as a general rule, for best results, the dpi value of the on-screen image should be set to be twice that of the printer's lpi frequency. Thus if the printer is operating at 200 lpi, the dpi value should be set at 400 dpi.
Raster Graphic File Formats
There is a large variety of file formats used for the storage of bit data pertaining to a Raster graphic. The more commonly used file formats include, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIFF. All of these formats have their own special features that make each of them more suitable for some functions than others. The TIFF format, for example, is more suited for printing of Raster graphics, while JEPG is considered more appropriate for Web operations involving “continuous tone” Raster graphics. Being Raster graphics file formats, all of these are concerned with the handling of "bitmap" data (bitmap being an alternative term for a pixel-grid). However, they vary in the their file structures and the techniques that they use for organising pixel data within their file structure. The TIFF format, for example, uses tags to locate image data, where as BMP employs indexing. All use varying levels of data compression to achieve file size reduction. These formats are briefly described below.
JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, a committee that produced the standard in 1992. Given its ancestry with the Joint Photographic Experts Group, it is not surprising that the JPEG format is widely used for photographic images. Raster graphic files created using the JPEG standard typically have the file extension ".jpg", although ".jepg" is also encountered. The main differentiator of the JEPG format, from the others mentioned above, lies in the technique that it uses to achieve data compression. JPEG format holds the bit information pertaining to an image in a highly compressed mode making the image file very compact and thereby improving immensely its file transfer speed. The latter is particularly significant for downloading and uploading image data to the Internet, where the bandwidth, particularly for home computers, tends to be limited (despite the advent of Broadband). The drawback of JPEG format’s high compression is that it is prone to loosing data in decompression, which in turn leads to the loss of some quality in the image that is subsequently displayed. (In computer graphics jargon, JEPG data compression is said to be "lossy"). Because of its tendency to loose bit data through compression, JEPG is not considered suitable for drawings such as maps where colours are sharply contrasted.
The BMP format (short for Bitmap) originated with Microsoft Windows but is also used by many image processing applications that are not native to the Windows operating system. The distinguishing characteristic of the BMP format has been its use of indexing for recording the colour value of the pixels, rather than recording these values individually for each pixel. The drawback of the format however, has been its relatively inefficient compression technique.
Examples of Raster images
Vector Graphics
Whereas in Raster graphics an image is implemented as a matrix of pixels, in Vector graphics, the image is described by a set of mathematical expressions that plot the points (or nodes), lines and curves that form the shape of the image, using Cartesian co-ordinates. The shape of the image thus produced, is then filled (rendered) with the required pixel detail at run time to produce the completed image.
To illustrate the difference between Raster and a Vector graphics, consider the Raster image referred to above. This image consists of three concentric red, white and blue circles on a white rectangular background. When rendering this image as a Raster graphic, the computer file that describes this image is required essentially to hold pixel data for every individual pixel that forms the pixel-grid (bitmap) for the image. This approach contrasts with that used for Vector graphics. If the same image were to be rendered as a Vector graphic, then the computer file for the image would essentially contain information about the nodes that form the four corners of the rectangle, the node that forms the centre of the concentric circles, together with the mathematical equations that plot the four lines of the rectangle, and the three concentric circles.
The mathematical equations would be of the form:
Y = mX + c for the four lines connecting the nodes of the rectangle
where m is slope of the line and c the offset (where the line meets the X-axis)
(X² + Y² ) = r² for the three concentric circles
where r is the radius of the circle
Additionally, of course the graphic image file would contain information about the colour attributes of the circles.
The previous chapter, Chapter 21, described the concept of a coordinating system and the use of pixels for the production of digital images. In this chapter we explain firstly, how the pixel-based approach to digital imaging is used to produce the so-called Raster graphics, and how Raster graphics differ from the other type of digital imagery known as Vector graphics. Secondly, the chapter explains how the techniques of computer imaging are further extended to achieve that more exotic type of computer graphic, - animation.
Raster Graphics
In Raster graphics, an image may be conceptualised as a grid of pixels. which coalesce together to form a smooth, continuous image.
Imagine each pixel as a single light bulb which is capable of acquiring individually, a wide range of different colours by virtue of being controlled by some clever software or some clever programmable graphics card, to which all the bulbs in the matrix are connected. If this grid of bulbs were set up to display, say, concentric red, white and blue circles on a white background, then close up, an observer may only notice different coloured light bulbs without discerning any pattern within them such as concentric circles. However, if the observer were to stand a hundred metres away, to his naked eye, the bulbs will have coalesced into a smooth display of different coloured circles on a white background and he will scarcely be aware that the image that he is seeing consists in fact of a grid of individual light bulbs. A Raster image formed using a matrix of pixels works in much the same way to display an image on the computer screen (or monitor).
The term "Raster" is by no means an innovation of computer graphics. It has in the past been used widely, in the context of the television imaging technique known as "raster scanning" which forms the basis of television pictures. (for the benefit of those interested in the etymology of the word, the term "Raster" is said to have been derived from a Latin root meaning "Rake").
Raster graphics are typically used for photographic images, or images of drawings and paintings in which there is a large variation of colour and contrast. Since, as explained above, the creation of Raster graphics involves the breaking down of an image into large numbers of minute pixels, it follows that a Raster graphic file is required to hold a large amount of data, such as colour, tone and position, for each individual pixel within the image. Raster graphic files therefore tend to be very large in size and consequently, data compression has become an important factor in the file formats that are prescribed for Raster graphics such as JEPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIFF.
Quality of a Raster Image - "dots per inch" and "lines per inch"
Whilst the pixel-grid described above forms the basis of a Raster graphic, its quality is determined chiefly by two measures of pixel density. These are the "Dots per Inch" (dpi) and "Lines per Inch" (lpi).
The dpi measure refers to the number of pixels (a dot being synonymous with a pixel in this context) contained in each inch of the computer screen that displays the image (usually the computer monitor). It should be appreciated that in modern computers, the display screen is not pre-designed with a fixed number of pixels or dots per inch. The dpi value can be changed dynamically using the computer's software. Some Windows XP laptops, for example, provide an option of using either 96 dpi or 120 dpi. As may be expected, the higher the dpi value, the higher the resolution of the image and correspondingly greater its quality.
The lpi measure pertains to the quality of the printed image of a Raster graphic rather than its screen display. As with dpi, the higher the lpi value (or lpi "frequency" as it is often referred to) the better the quality of the printed image. There is however, a relationship between dpi and lpi that needs to be taken into account for high quality printing of Raster graphics. The formal mathematical expression for this relationship need not concern us here but as a general rule, for best results, the dpi value of the on-screen image should be set to be twice that of the printer's lpi frequency. Thus if the printer is operating at 200 lpi, the dpi value should be set at 400 dpi.
Raster Graphic File Formats
There is a large variety of file formats used for the storage of bit data pertaining to a Raster graphic. The more commonly used file formats include, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIFF. All of these formats have their own special features that make each of them more suitable for some functions than others. The TIFF format, for example, is more suited for printing of Raster graphics, while JEPG is considered more appropriate for Web operations involving “continuous tone” Raster graphics. Being Raster graphics file formats, all of these are concerned with the handling of "bitmap" data (bitmap being an alternative term for a pixel-grid). However, they vary in the their file structures and the techniques that they use for organising pixel data within their file structure. The TIFF format, for example, uses tags to locate image data, where as BMP employs indexing. All use varying levels of data compression to achieve file size reduction. These formats are briefly described below.
JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, a committee that produced the standard in 1992. Given its ancestry with the Joint Photographic Experts Group, it is not surprising that the JPEG format is widely used for photographic images. Raster graphic files created using the JPEG standard typically have the file extension ".jpg", although ".jepg" is also encountered. The main differentiator of the JEPG format, from the others mentioned above, lies in the technique that it uses to achieve data compression. JPEG format holds the bit information pertaining to an image in a highly compressed mode making the image file very compact and thereby improving immensely its file transfer speed. The latter is particularly significant for downloading and uploading image data to the Internet, where the bandwidth, particularly for home computers, tends to be limited (despite the advent of Broadband). The drawback of JPEG format’s high compression is that it is prone to loosing data in decompression, which in turn leads to the loss of some quality in the image that is subsequently displayed. (In computer graphics jargon, JEPG data compression is said to be "lossy"). Because of its tendency to loose bit data through compression, JEPG is not considered suitable for drawings such as maps where colours are sharply contrasted.
The BMP format (short for Bitmap) originated with Microsoft Windows but is also used by many image processing applications that are not native to the Windows operating system. The distinguishing characteristic of the BMP format has been its use of indexing for recording the colour value of the pixels, rather than recording these values individually for each pixel. The drawback of the format however, has been its relatively inefficient compression technique.
Examples of Raster images
Vector Graphics
Whereas in Raster graphics an image is implemented as a matrix of pixels, in Vector graphics, the image is described by a set of mathematical expressions that plot the points (or nodes), lines and curves that form the shape of the image, using Cartesian co-ordinates. The shape of the image thus produced, is then filled (rendered) with the required pixel detail at run time to produce the completed image.
To illustrate the difference between Raster and a Vector graphics, consider the Raster image referred to above. This image consists of three concentric red, white and blue circles on a white rectangular background. When rendering this image as a Raster graphic, the computer file that describes this image is required essentially to hold pixel data for every individual pixel that forms the pixel-grid (bitmap) for the image. This approach contrasts with that used for Vector graphics. If the same image were to be rendered as a Vector graphic, then the computer file for the image would essentially contain information about the nodes that form the four corners of the rectangle, the node that forms the centre of the concentric circles, together with the mathematical equations that plot the four lines of the rectangle, and the three concentric circles.
The mathematical equations would be of the form:
Y = mX + c for the four lines connecting the nodes of the rectangle
where m is slope of the line and c the offset (where the line meets the X-axis)
(X² + Y² ) = r² for the three concentric circles
where r is the radius of the circle
Additionally, of course the graphic image file would contain information about the colour attributes of the circles.
Monday, 2 February 2009
First Draft
My progress with the Chunk has been slower than I had expected. I have always had difficulty with knowing when to cease reading and commence writing. Then there is the tendency to embellish and re-embellish the written prose. All of which of course slows me down. Anyway, the fruits of labour to-date are as posted below.
The previous chapter, Chapter 21, described the concept of a coordinating system and the use of pixels for the production of digital images. In this chapter we explain firstly, how the pixel-based approach to digital imaging is used to produce the so-called Raster graphics, and how Raster graphics differ from the other type of digital imagery known as Vector graphics. Secondly, the chapter explains how the techniques of computer imaging are further extended to achieve that more exotic type of computer graphic, - animation.
Raster Graphics
In Raster graphics, an image may be conceptualised as a grid of pixels. which coalesce together to form a smooth, continuous image. Imagine each pixel as a single light bulb which is capable of acquiring individually, a wide range of different colours by virtue of being controlled by some clever software or some clever programmable graphics card, to which all the bulbs in the matrix are connected. If this grid of bulbs were set up to display, say, concentric red, white and blue circles on a white background, then close up, an observer may only notice different coloured light bulbs without discerning any pattern within them such as concentric circles. However, if the observer were to stand a hundred metres away, to his naked eye, the bulbs will have coalesced into a smooth display of different coloured circles on a white background and he will scarcely be aware that the image that he is seeing consists in fact of a grid of individual light bulbs. A Raster image formed using a matrix of pixels works in much the same way to display an image on the computer screen (or monitor).
The term "Raster" is by no means an innovation of computer graphics. It has in the past been used widely, in the context of the television imaging technique known as "raster scanning" which forms the basis of television pictures. (for the benefit of those interested in the etymology of the word, the term "Raster" is said to have been derived from a Latin root meaning "Rake").
Raster graphics are typically used for photographic images, or images of drawings and paintings in which there is a large variation of colour and contrast.
Quality of a Raster Image - "dots per inch" and "lines per inch"
Whilst the pixel-grid described above forms the basis of a Raster graphic, its quality is determined chiefly by two measures of pixel density. These are the "Dots per Inch" (dpi) and "Lines per Inch" (lpi).
The dpi measure refers to the number of pixels (a dot being synonymous with a pixel in this context) contained in each inch of the computer screen that displays the image (usually the computer monitor). It should be appreciated that in modern computers, the display screen is not pre-designed with a fixed number of pixels or dots per inch. The dpi value can be changed dynamically using the computer's software. Some Windows XP laptops, for example, provide an option of using either 96 dpi or 120 dpi. As may be expected, the higher the dpi value, the higher the resolution of the image and correspondingly greater its quality.
The lpi measure pertains to the quality of the printed image of a Raster graphic rather than its screen display. As with dpi, the higher the lpi value (or lpi "frequency" as it is often referred to) the better the quality of the printed image. There is however, a relationship between dpi and lpi that needs to be taken into account for high quality printing of Raster graphics. The formal mathematical expression for this relationship need not concern us here but as a general rule, for best results, the dpi value of the on-screen image should be set to be twice that of the printer's lpi frequency. Thus if the printer is operating at 200 lpi, the dpi value should be set at 400 dpi.
Raster Graphic file formats
There is a large variety of file formats used for the storage of bit data pertaining to a Rster graphic. The more commonly used file formats include, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and GIFF . All of these formats have commonalities as well as differentiators.
Perhaps the most significant differentiator of the JEPG format lies in the technique that it uses to achieve data compression. JEPG format holds the bit information pertaining to an image in a highly compressed mode making the image file very compact and thereby improving immensely its file transfer speed. The latter is particularly useful for downloading and uploading image data to the Internet. The drawback of JPEG format’s high compression is that it tends to loose some data in decompression, which in turn leads to the loss of some quality in the image subsequently displayed.
The previous chapter, Chapter 21, described the concept of a coordinating system and the use of pixels for the production of digital images. In this chapter we explain firstly, how the pixel-based approach to digital imaging is used to produce the so-called Raster graphics, and how Raster graphics differ from the other type of digital imagery known as Vector graphics. Secondly, the chapter explains how the techniques of computer imaging are further extended to achieve that more exotic type of computer graphic, - animation.
Raster Graphics
In Raster graphics, an image may be conceptualised as a grid of pixels. which coalesce together to form a smooth, continuous image. Imagine each pixel as a single light bulb which is capable of acquiring individually, a wide range of different colours by virtue of being controlled by some clever software or some clever programmable graphics card, to which all the bulbs in the matrix are connected. If this grid of bulbs were set up to display, say, concentric red, white and blue circles on a white background, then close up, an observer may only notice different coloured light bulbs without discerning any pattern within them such as concentric circles. However, if the observer were to stand a hundred metres away, to his naked eye, the bulbs will have coalesced into a smooth display of different coloured circles on a white background and he will scarcely be aware that the image that he is seeing consists in fact of a grid of individual light bulbs. A Raster image formed using a matrix of pixels works in much the same way to display an image on the computer screen (or monitor).
The term "Raster" is by no means an innovation of computer graphics. It has in the past been used widely, in the context of the television imaging technique known as "raster scanning" which forms the basis of television pictures. (for the benefit of those interested in the etymology of the word, the term "Raster" is said to have been derived from a Latin root meaning "Rake").
Raster graphics are typically used for photographic images, or images of drawings and paintings in which there is a large variation of colour and contrast.
Quality of a Raster Image - "dots per inch" and "lines per inch"
Whilst the pixel-grid described above forms the basis of a Raster graphic, its quality is determined chiefly by two measures of pixel density. These are the "Dots per Inch" (dpi) and "Lines per Inch" (lpi).
The dpi measure refers to the number of pixels (a dot being synonymous with a pixel in this context) contained in each inch of the computer screen that displays the image (usually the computer monitor). It should be appreciated that in modern computers, the display screen is not pre-designed with a fixed number of pixels or dots per inch. The dpi value can be changed dynamically using the computer's software. Some Windows XP laptops, for example, provide an option of using either 96 dpi or 120 dpi. As may be expected, the higher the dpi value, the higher the resolution of the image and correspondingly greater its quality.
The lpi measure pertains to the quality of the printed image of a Raster graphic rather than its screen display. As with dpi, the higher the lpi value (or lpi "frequency" as it is often referred to) the better the quality of the printed image. There is however, a relationship between dpi and lpi that needs to be taken into account for high quality printing of Raster graphics. The formal mathematical expression for this relationship need not concern us here but as a general rule, for best results, the dpi value of the on-screen image should be set to be twice that of the printer's lpi frequency. Thus if the printer is operating at 200 lpi, the dpi value should be set at 400 dpi.
Raster Graphic file formats
There is a large variety of file formats used for the storage of bit data pertaining to a Rster graphic. The more commonly used file formats include, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and GIFF . All of these formats have commonalities as well as differentiators.
Perhaps the most significant differentiator of the JEPG format lies in the technique that it uses to achieve data compression. JEPG format holds the bit information pertaining to an image in a highly compressed mode making the image file very compact and thereby improving immensely its file transfer speed. The latter is particularly useful for downloading and uploading image data to the Internet. The drawback of JPEG format’s high compression is that it tends to loose some data in decompression, which in turn leads to the loss of some quality in the image subsequently displayed.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Chunk Confirmed (Chunk 22)
My chunk has been confirmed. It's Chunk 22 (Vector graphics and animation). I hope first impressions are not deceptive, but the chunk looks like a relatively easy assignment. Of course, one can't be too complacent. I haven't started writing yet. I shall probably spend a bit more time on reading up the subject matter. Hopefully, the reading will then suggest the structure for the Chunk. Knowing which Chunk I am going to be writing is certainly a big help. It focuses the mind. I can get on with the job now.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Chunk Re-bid
Have been checking the "BookFragmentsBlog" as usual. Chunk 26 has already been allocated to someone else. I was quite sure that it was available but I could have been wrong. I hope I haven't confused matters by forwarding my blog URL to Darrel BEFORE I had been allocated a Chunk, rather than AFTER (as, I think, the "MassWritingInstructions" advise). I may have to write to Darrel to avoid any confusion and re-bid.
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